Drugged, Beat Up, Tossed Into A Lake, Shot, Barraged By Endless Cars, Never to Be Seen AGAIN

MaxAxil on March 17, 2015

Hey guys.
SO I was absent for the most part of the last 3 months.
Hehehe…. Sorry.
You're probably wondering at the time, does this mean that MPAN was cancelled?
Well, no.
As it would seem, I recieved a Playstation 4 last Christmas(Albiet, I paid for half of it) And I've been extremely distracted.
Also College.
So there. I noticed that I seem to be away during January to March.
I'm probably going to do it again next year.
So now I've warned you.
Btw, I got my preordered copy of FF type 0 hd today!
The Rugby Joshua mentions is the Drug kind.
And I'm probably going to start regularly updating again on April. So a little more patience on your part. I'm really sorry for the delay. I hope you can forgive me.