Arena page 6

ConnorLachmanec on July 25, 2020

“And entering through the east gate, put your hands together for the mysterious, the fearsome, The Beasts of the Apocalypse!”
“I would have preferred Choosers of the Slain but I’ll take it.”
Helga leans on her iron-tipped spear, her calm purple glow all but invisible in the daylight. She is a fierce sight clad in an iron breastplate and bear pelt, leaving her thick limbs and plump stomach naked in the breeze. The black war paint smeared from her eyes to her cheeks in the shape of corvid wings matches the feathers adorning her helmet and armour.
Beside her, Kat stands, lit torch in hand, dressed in a red-trimmed black robe and hooded cloak.
Akantha slithers out of the darkness holding a longbow, grumbling about the masked helmet she was forced to wear. Save for her helmet and quiver of arrows, she is naked, her hard reptilian scales precluding the need for clothing or armour.
Bad Dog barks as he steps into the sunlight. He is bare-chested and dressed in an imitation of his people’s patron Anubis with two hooked khopesh blades clutched in each clawed hand.
The four stand ready to accept their fate as the crowd shouts and whistles in anticipation.