HHtherandomchick on Feb. 27, 2007
Looking at this, i think, “Wow. this really sucks. I can draw better than this!” which is true. I wasn't even going to do this comic, but i have. so there. I must thank SomaX for the ninja help website! Though i am doing the stupid stereotypical ninja thing, (what? i like their threads! and it would ruin my story.) i now know what a girl ninja is called!
I don't think the teacher is truly offended, but more taken aback by her garb. And what does he mean by “normal schools”, you ask? you shall see!
What would that move be called in naruto? Oh-ouch-your-heart-got-ripped-out no-jutsu? or maybe, Oh-you-just-got-owned-bitch no-jutsu? XD hope you like the stupidity!
Kali at 1:16AM, Oct. 18, 2007
Dark_Kai at 3:48PM, June 7, 2007
Good stuff
SomaX at 12:19PM, April 6, 2007
You're welcome. ^_^ The page is well done by the way. I just wish you would update.
Pensuke at 6:26AM, March 1, 2007
Yes yay Collossus.. =P
Muntron at 8:32PM, Feb. 28, 2007
This comic almost has everything, all you need now is a man with a funny mustache and another guy that has a peg leg. But other than missing those elements, nice comic :-).
Collossus at 7:46PM, Feb. 28, 2007
end_game at 7:27PM, Feb. 28, 2007