FILLER/GIFT! A banner for my (kinda) faithful readers!
NASC on April 26, 2007
Well, I've been too busy for a comic these last couple of weeks, so I've decided to make it up to you guys! Don't ask how shameless advertising is making it up to you, but it is!
A quadruple comic is on the way, so hang in there!
The Comic Reaper at 10:46AM, June 17, 2008
This comic never returned. I officially declare this comic dead...
BladerEXE at 2:18PM, Jan. 7, 2008
dark link at 12:15PM, Aug. 15, 2007
this comic is pretty funny. faved.
Dinkleberg at 9:29AM, June 10, 2007
^That was a week ago.
NASC at 12:22AM, June 2, 2007
Over a month after my last update, I've finally gotten up the spirit to make another one. Sorry about all the delays. I'll have at least a normal comic up tomorrow. xD