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Skullbie on Aug. 2, 2009
Hi all! Thanks for dropping by to see my new comic!
This one is going to be rather short and silly :) I've been writing so many serious short stories that i kind of got burnt out when doing them, so here's to the hopes i can get back into the comic making groove with this :D
For those of you curious to see the process:
My new approach and sketching the panels separately, makes the work go way faster for me.
Well i hope you enjoy reading
p.s.(I'm aware of the resemblance to certain other characters of mine xP )
dpat57 at 4:24AM, Feb. 5, 2019
2019 shout-out for a great-looking page, shame more never appeared.
Scythe Massakur at 10:35PM, Nov. 14, 2013
Ok...need updates
SquallLion at 5:05PM, Aug. 29, 2011
much interesting! I love your style!
DJLink at 9:19PM, Jan. 19, 2011
Scythe Massakur at 1:32PM, Jan. 6, 2011
Is it going to continue
Miki at 1:47PM, June 19, 2010
Yes I new comic!! I love Plastic! I'm so excited to read this, its going to be great!
DJLink at 11:52PM, May 4, 2010
lol hope to see more soon
Ironscarf at 11:10AM, April 22, 2010
Notingles, this went up on Aug 03 which is over eight moths - eight moths and a small caterpiller to be precise. Besides, the girl is trying on - it'll take as long as it takes!XD
Notingles at 3:10PM, April 16, 2010
not to become captain obvious or be rude... isint three moths enogh for a page? but i must admit... you're probably too busy on RL anyway, please find time to complete this comic
anonymous at 11:18PM, March 5, 2010
me thinks it's dead
phildog at 10:12PM, Dec. 26, 2009
Not to be rude, but is this heading anywhere, or is this comic dead?
Esyntha at 12:43PM, Nov. 29, 2009
oooh wow!!
jaklaw at 8:40PM, Nov. 17, 2009
Page 2 :o ?
DreamDutchess at 9:38PM, Nov. 8, 2009
woooh wooh! can't wait to see more!
iWolf at 5:27AM, Oct. 28, 2009
Where is page 2? (T_T)
lothar at 6:25AM, Oct. 23, 2009
YAY !!!!! this is way more hotter than plastic !
Flamingbunz at 10:58AM, Oct. 11, 2009
The coloring, the art, the everything. It looks so splendid! But, I also miss Plastic. Please, please come back & update Plastic. Or atleast, post up a little note so we all know still alive. Please.
Survival Artist at 7:20PM, Oct. 4, 2009
Good immediate establishment of conflicting character. And nice booty!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 12:46PM, Sept. 2, 2009
whoa, slow down with all this updating skullbie!! you're making my head spin!!
dontworrybehappy at 4:51PM, Aug. 25, 2009
wow, it looks pretty good. i like the art a lot and what's that red thing in the bag??? is red and bright
SplicerParade at 1:58PM, Aug. 25, 2009
Utterly, utterly beautiful art~ Oh man, I seriously cannot wait for the next page.
skyangel at 4:58AM, Aug. 19, 2009
Oh wow!!! Such awesome artwork!!! love the humour of it too :)
ttyler at 7:03PM, Aug. 15, 2009
You are an awesome artist Skullbie!!
Kristen Gudsnuk at 12:16PM, Aug. 14, 2009
ooh la la... can't wait to see *less*. This is great already- love the snappy dialogue. my only issue is you might want to make her right calf wider- it should taper out after the knee, and right now it looks a little off. Great layout, too, and your coloring is, as always, lovely.
The Satoshi at 9:40AM, Aug. 11, 2009
Can't wait to see more!