Ozoneocean on Feb. 8, 2006
This week’s writer’s challenge is Pinky TA. Go to the forums and write a short fanfic on Pinky TA ^_^
Page description:
In the first panel a brave soldier futilely fires at the S.S.V.5 with his chauchat light machinegun, only to be minced by Pinky. We see the passage pocked with bullet marks and the bloody footprints of the scout. An officer and another soldier have wheeled in and setup a heavy machinegun to try and defeat this advancing monster. A few bullets smash through the armoured glass, but they can’t touch Pinky because of the angled mirror system… She finishes with them in short order and tramples the gun.
“constaaaant carrrnage has allllllwaaaaaaaaaaaaaays beeeeeen…†That’s what KD Lang would sing if she was doing the theme tune.
Firstly, yay, I got a chance to put some fine detailing on the leg of the S.S.V.5! The chauchat gun there is in a configuration suitable for firing that way… The chauchat has a bad rep because of a whole lot of duds sold to the American Army in WW1, but apparently it’s a pretty decent gun if you’re not in a muddy trench and it hasn’t been fiddled around with to fire a different size bullet. Well, whatever, that’s what research does to you. The other weapon there is something I came up with after doing my research: It’s a big 20’s era 50 cal Hotchkiss tank machinegun, mounted in a small cannon thingo, also made by Hotchkiss and from that era. The French liked Hotchkiss stuff… It’s that damn research I’m telling you!
There’s another huge mistake in this page to do with views. Did you spot it? That’s right, the 5th panel: Since Pinky is up so high and those mirrors angle downwards, she should be looking down on the gun crew, not up! That’s another future re-draw.
Writer's challenge!
We’ve started up a weekly writer’s challenge in the forums. Each week writers try writing a short fanfic based on the characters of a DD comic we choose for that week. This week’s fan-fic challenge is Pinky TA! See the details and entries here. It’s a fun way to practise your writing ^_^
(Next challenge is on Wednesday the 15th)
A note:
Go to my main site for the latest work (27th January, 2006). I’m uploading one page a day with commentary and explanations here.
Ruka E Pocky at 5:44PM, Feb. 9, 2006
Man the action just keeps growing!
Ozoneocean at 4:40PM, Feb. 9, 2006
Thanx guys. I'd turn this portion of it into a first person shooter if it was a computer game. The dull featureless corridor and the grim tone reminds me of the orriginal version of DOOM... That game always meade me sick, I'm pretty certain it had to do with the frame refresh rate and the shitty colours. Yeah, the next page is the worst as far as the gore goes...
coinilius at 4:22PM, Feb. 9, 2006
Looks good - the facelesness of the soldier in the first panel is an interesting look.
Hero at 4:15PM, Feb. 9, 2006
It reminds me of a first person shooter.
iagojester at 2:44PM, Feb. 9, 2006
Dunna nunna nunna nunna BLOODBATH!
Mazoo at 2:39PM, Feb. 9, 2006
Man, poor Pinky. You've got some really nice perspective going here, wow!
madscott at 8:53AM, Feb. 9, 2006
My Fan Fic.. Pinky shows up at my work and correctly completes the rest of my work. While that happens, I get a nap.
Randal at 7:59AM, Feb. 9, 2006
I'm covering my eyes because I know what's coming next.
Nick at 5:30AM, Feb. 9, 2006
Ah, I remember this now...
Office_Zone at 4:21AM, Feb. 9, 2006
I think my manager could use ssv5 to protect himself from his divorce...
bobo_81 at 10:59PM, Feb. 8, 2006
It's all done with mirrors.
inseutculnaime at 9:50PM, Feb. 8, 2006
That's rather icky.
magicalmisfits at 9:46PM, Feb. 8, 2006
Right of way Demand it.
SarahN at 9:21PM, Feb. 8, 2006
"Resistance is futile. You will be...0wned."
Kytenji at 9:18PM, Feb. 8, 2006
wow they didnt even stand a chance like fish in a barrel or corn in a crows nest or cat poop a dog kennel!