9: Overslept
Chiwa on Nov. 8, 2006
Brendan Overslept! Oh noes!!!
By the way, who should have which starter pokemon (Brendan has Growlithe)
The trainers will be:
Starters Available:
I combined the starters from R/B and Yellow, so i want to know who should have which.
Oh, and also, I cast my vote for May having Eevee.
Snakeking at 11:34AM, Nov. 6, 2010
Walrus at 9:51AM, Dec. 26, 2007
DEAD! R.I.P Pokemon Evolved
anonymous at 4:00PM, Nov. 17, 2007
anonymous at 4:00PM, Nov. 17, 2007
Walrus at 4:00PM, Nov. 17, 2007
sessy6 at 11:03AM, March 30, 2007
...And the comics dead...
Erk at 1:00AM, March 28, 2007
probably late but ash: Charmander gary: Squirtle ashley: Pikachu may: Bulbasaur
sessy6 at 11:26AM, Nov. 28, 2006
hey, when do you update?
Chiwa at 5:19AM, Nov. 11, 2006
No, Kevin has a good idea, I might just use Johto starters or poke, to be original. I just have no Johto Mystery Dungeon sprites, so I'll have to make the battles different for a little while. And yeah, I really messed us Brendans motion blur. I just cant get the darn magic wand to select Brendan...
Jiken at 7:41PM, Nov. 10, 2006
Um...I think he'll stick with these starters...
KevinClifford at 4:33PM, Nov. 10, 2006
[quote]Ash: Pickachu (or Charmander since PIckachu isn't a starter) Gary: Squirtle Ashley: Bulbasaur[/quote] NO NO! DON'T STEAL MY CLICHE! THAT'S BAD! ... Or Recon's for that matter.. None of them should get ANY starters. Make it completely original. Try... Some Jhoto pokes, maybe.
sessy6 at 12:46PM, Nov. 10, 2006
may gets squirtle, ash gets pikachu, gary gets eevee, ashley gets bulbasaur....i dno:P
sessy6 at 12:36PM, Nov. 10, 2006
u read pokemonx dont u?
MysteriousJeff at 7:41PM, Nov. 9, 2006
[quote]Ash should get .... TEH EVIL PIKACHU.[/quote] I'm not popular enough to be copied yet!!! I can't be!!! Anyways, the humor isn't too funny, but it's good, as this comic seems to aim more towards the 'serious' side of the scale. However, I don't really think that the effect of Brendan running looks good at all. I'm guessing that you used another program to make that blur and then you copied it into the program being used to make the comic, resulting in all that unessessary white areas in the blur effect. Work on it. And Rocky as a name for a doglike Pokémon in a comic? Where have I seen this before....?
Chiwa at 6:19PM, Nov. 9, 2006
Thanks for the votes! I'll tally them later. I was trying to say out of those, not counting Growlither and Brendan.
Donovan at 5:26PM, Nov. 9, 2006
ZOMG You have Growlithe as a starter too!
will123 at 5:22PM, Nov. 9, 2006
Ctually soonmme it goes Ash: Pickachu (or Charmander since PIckachu isn't a starter) Gary: Squirtle Ashley: Bulbasaur May: Eevee (or Pickachu if Ash Charmander or Eevee
will123 at 5:20PM, Nov. 9, 2006
this is very good (how do you make speech bubbles like that and i do have Paint.NET
Wes_Nero123 at 5:14PM, Nov. 9, 2006
wat Soonmme said
soonmme at 5:11PM, Nov. 9, 2006
ash=pikahu, gary=bulbasaur, ashley=squirtule, may=eevee
Megasonic at 5:06PM, Nov. 9, 2006
Agreed. Ash should get .... TEH EVIL PIKACHU. Gary should get Squirtle. Ashley.. um, lets see... Charmander. But this is only my opinion.
anonymous at 5:00PM, Nov. 9, 2006
yea i think may should have eevee too