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necrolichmon on Jan. 13, 2011
Tell you the truth, I just wanted to show off his mugshot. How is it? Anyway, flashback time either Monday or sometime this weekend, haven't decided yet.
necrolichmon at 7:16AM, Jan. 14, 2011
lol, thanks pkness. that means a lot to me.
PKNESS at 7:04AM, Jan. 14, 2011
I think you got a great talent with creating mughshots man! Honestly! :D
necrolichmon at 7:16AM, Jan. 14, 2011
lol, thanks pkness. that means a lot to me.
PKNESS at 7:04AM, Jan. 14, 2011
I think you got a great talent with creating mughshots man! Honestly! :D