Comic #129: Get On The Tutorial Level

MysteriousJeff on Sept. 1, 2019

The unwritten contract between humans and pokémon…

A lot of PYC's canon picks and chooses bits form the various canons of pokémon, and for this I felt the “pokémon in the wild deliberately encounter” explanation meshed well. It strikes me as pragmatic for both because like, for pokémon it's nice to be able to choose whether the trainer life is for them and approach trainers accordingly. For humans it's that generally the strongest pokémon of a given Route come to them and that's convenient, don't need to bother with hunts.

Of course there's always outliers like active-seeking out by humans (particularly for certain species/shinies), and misunderstandings like a non-wanting-battle pokémon crossing a trainer's path, and there's definitely cases of that among story characters, I hope to be able to get to their tales.

I'm surprised I'm getting these pages done considering how my current status is… though I guess shouldn't be as surprised because despite the life's aughs, my spouse is awesome and supportive with reminders and is basically the reason this got done, and of course I want to thank them in these notes~