Punk-Pink Prologue! Page 78

Hapoppo on Jan. 25, 2009

All things considered, Drunken Dan had it pretty good. His job was to sit up in a crow's nest and drink all day, and he died as he lived: with a bottle of grog in each hand.

Lately I've been trying to shave a few minutes off of the time it takes to complete each page without compromising quality, and I think this page turned out pretty well for that - it took me not too much over 3 hours to complete it, and still looks good, at least in my opinion.

Emily Elizabeth: I think he's just jealous of the hair.

Selective Aathy: Double Kill!

Mushroomcomix: Not even death can separate a pirate from is grog.

Omegatau: Man, these pirates are pretty bad at dead tag. They all lost already.

kittygrl: He probably did. Ol' Dan puts grog in his cheeri-Os.

SoraNezumi: Aww…

Zamiecat: Thanks for checking it out!