Random Moments In Fire Emblem
- # 42 - The Great Debates Of Stupidity Pt. 1
- Filler - Merry Christmas!
- # 41 - FE Treasure: The Lost Background and Lame Parody Pt. 4
- # 40 - FE Treasure: The Lost Background and Lame Parody Pt. 3
- Filler - Happy Birthday Altimas!!!!
- # 39 - FE Treasure: The Lost Background and Lame Parody Pt.2
- # 38 - FE Treasure: The Lost Background and Lame Parody Pt.1
- Altimas Filler - The Drunken Adventures of Nergal and Lyon Part 2
- Altimas Filler - The Drunken Adventures of Nergal and Lyon Part 1
- Altimas Filler - THIS is why you don't steal from kids
- Flantic's Filler 2
- Altimas' Filler - Magic Myrrh
- Flantic's Filler - Summoner Blues
- Filler - Sorry Everybody!
- Filler - 50 Pages already?
- Filler - Happy Birthday Stickcreator
- Filler - Happy Thanksgiving
- # 37 - Canas And Matthew's Adventure Through Random Franchises Pt.3
- # 36 - Canas And Matthew's Adventure Through Random Franchises Pt.2
- # 35 - Canas And Matthew's Adventure Through Random Franchises Pt.1
- # 34 - Silly Nergal #3
- # 33 - TO THE MOON!
- # 32 - Into The Mind Of Cormag #5
- # 31 - Into The Mind Of Cormag #4
- # 30 - Into The Mind Of Cormag #3
- # 29 - Into The Mind Of Cormag #2
- # 28 - Into The Mind Of Cormag #1
- Filler - #1 Bitches!
- # 27 - SeeLinkRun11's Tribute Comic
- # 26 - Flashlight Antics' Tribute Comic
- # 25 - Discet's Tribute Comic
- Discet Filler - Fire Emblem VS Pokemon pt.2
- Filler - A Momentus Occasion
- # 24 - Sain Feels Pretty, Oh So Pretty
- Discet Filler - Pokemon vs. Fire Emblem 1
- # 23 - Silly Nergal # 2
- # 22 - The Bet
- Filler - 25th Page Tribute
- # 21 - Ephriam's Blackmail Adventure Pt.6: Ephriam's Revenge
- # 20 - Ephriam's Blackmail Adventure Pt.5
- # 19 - Ephriam's Blackmail Adventure Pt.4
- # 18 - Ephriam's Blackmail Adventure Pt.3
- # 17 - Ephriam's Blackmail Adventure Pt.2
- # 16 - Ephriam's Blackmail Adventure Pt.1
- # 15 - Like Mother, Not Like Son
- # 14 - Nergal's Milkshakes
- # 13 - Ross The Superhero
- # 12 - Silly Nergal
- Filler - Random Rant
- # 11 - FEAST!!!!
- Filler - Happy Veterens Day!
- # 10 - You Just Got Burned!!!!
- # 9 - Budget Cuts
- # 8 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.7
- # 7 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.6
- # 6 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.5
- # 5 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.4
- # 4 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.3
- # 3 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.2
- # 2 - Canas and Matthew's Adventure Through Nintendo Franchises Pt.1
- Filler - Important Notice
- Filler - Happy Haloween
- #1 - What Happens When Gerik Gets High
- Title Page
# 42 - The Great Debates Of Stupidity Pt. 1
StickCreator on Dec. 29, 2009
A new, relatively simple storyline to ease my self back into the comic grove. Special appearance by Altimas, who i doubt is even on DD anymore… oh well. :P
Scythe Massakur at 1:18PM, June 23, 2010
Ace_Defective_Naoto at 11:20PM, March 8, 2010
Well played sir! This is pretty good! I love the idea of them acting like immature kids.