Chapter One: Page Two
Valeria Morris on Jan. 12, 2009
A new page at last. Yeah, Alan (the long-haired guy's name's Alan) doesn't approve of manking much. But it's basically because he hates Edinburgh - my oh my, how on Earth could he. T_T' Btw, Auld Reekie (Old Smoker) is the nickname for Edinburgh, because it lies conveniently amidst the hill, so the first thing you should have seen when approaching it in 18th century was LOTS of chimney smoke a-rising in your face. %)
Tantz_Aerine at 5:26AM, Oct. 30, 2018
I hope this comic isn't dead, it looks so good!
taradaga at 6:29PM, May 31, 2009
Aw. I hope you are well. I rather enjoyed this comic - hope you update soon!
dotdotdot at 5:10PM, March 20, 2009
Beautiful comic! Your crowd frame reminds me of Hunter S. Thompson's artist's work... His name escapes me right now. Keep up the great work. Look forward to the next one. Cheers!
Rickswan at 6:56PM, March 5, 2009
Good luck with the periodical! My favorite movie is the Count of Monte Cristo, so I dig the style. I'm faving it, don't wait too long for updates!
Valeria Morris at 5:33AM, Feb. 8, 2009
Thank you very much! ^_^ Although I'm afraid there'll be no updates for some time, 'cos I've been offered to print the thing in a manga periodical, so I have to redraw it in a vertical format))
Evil_Snuffkin at 5:27PM, Jan. 30, 2009
Your line art is AMAZING! I'll be coming back for more :)
HyenaHell at 11:51AM, Jan. 13, 2009
I love your crowd scenes. The looseness in which the "rabble" is drawn in that last panel is great. I am so loving this comic. :D
Valeria Morris at 11:41AM, Jan. 13, 2009
*amidst the hillS, of course. :)