- Rebound Re-Launch
Chapter 29: He Said, She Said
- 369 - About Face
- 368 - I Must Admit
- 367 - Big Box Warehouse
- 366 - Scrubs
- 365 - Best Laid Plans Pt. 2
- 364 - Best Laid Plans Pt. 1
363 - Awesomely Insane
- 362 - Proud Pappa
- 361b - Disease Ridden Whore
- 361 - Disease Ridden Whore
- 360 - 1 On The Bed Is Worth 2 In The Closet
- 359 - Burdon of Proof
- 358 - Candy Stripers
- 357 - Maid In America
- 356 - Numbers
- 355 - 18 and Life
- 354 - We All Know
- 353 - Some Other Stripper
- 352 - Teaching Hospital
- 351 - Careless Whisper
- 350 - Hurts So Good
- 349 - Blow Your Fuse
- 348 - Mondo Generator
- 347 - Ho Boy
- 346 - Scuba Steve
- 345 - Nothing Comes Easy
- 344 - Priorities
Chapter 28 - Stripper Vs. Nurse
- 343 - Secret Stash
- 342 - Depraved Pervert
- 341 - Secret Stash
- 340 - First Rule of Fight Club
- 339 - The Art of Laziness
- 338 - Resevoir Dogs
- 337 - Best Girlfriend Ever
- 336 - Dirty Old Man
- 335 - Disturbed
- 334 - Father Figure
- 333 - Scratch
- 332 - LOTR FIXED!
- 332 - LOTR
- 332 - LOTR
- 331 - Dear Lord
- 330 - Enter Sandman
- 329 - Dirty Sanchez
- 328 - Sean
- 327 - Raw Is War
- 326 - Blonde Ambition
- 325 - Panzy
Chapter 26 - Role Models
- Bootleg: Invisible Tribe Preview
- 324 - Two Is The Lonliest Number
- 323 - What Happens In Vegas...
- 322 - Mmm, Beer
- 321 - Sacrifice
- 320 - Uh, Yeah
- 319 - If You Can't Beat 'Em
- 318 - Gooooooaaaaaal
- 317 - Dude Looks Like A Lady
- 316 - Great Expectations
- 315 - Irony Is a Dead Scene
- 314 - Gimme A Shot
- Rebound Rewind: Memorial Day
- 313 - It Gives You Wings
- 312 - Take It Easy
- 311 - Seriously
- 310 - Irish Eyes Are Smiling
- 309 - Mature and Understanding
- 308 - Color
- 308 - Distractions
- 307 Color
- 307 - Papers, let me zee your papers
- 306 - Win One For The Tipper
- Bootleg: Sketchbook
- 305 - Honeymoon Phase
- 304 - No Fun
- 303 - Decisions, Decisions
- 302 - Ankle Bracelet
- 301- Checking In
- The 300!
- 299 - That's One Way
- 298 - Vegas Baby, Vegas!
Chapter 25: Fear and Goaling in Las Vegas
- 297 - G-Strings and Glitter
- Super Bowl
- 296 - Father of the Year
- 295 - Old Habits Die Hard
- 294 - Proud Pappa
- 293 - Crying
- 292 - Body Glitter
- 291 - She Ain't Like That
Chapter 24: Phone Home
- 290 - Sweet Piece Of...
- 289 - Explain
- HoHoHo
- 288 - Sewing Oats
- 286 - Smooth Move
- 286 - For Real
- 285 - Black Friday
- 284 - Thanksgiving Wish
- 283 - Nice Guys Finish Second
- 282 - You've Got The Look
- 281 - Nice and Sweet
- 280 - Mind Control
- Rebound Rewind
- 279 - Most Girls
- 278 - Hotness Spectrum
- 277 - Healthcare is Magic
- 276 - Two or Three
- 275 - Investment Strategies
- 274 - Financial Times
- 273 - Not That Kind Of Girl
- 272 - Explanin'
- 271 - Nice Girls Don't
- 270 - Dorkyness
- 269 - Delayed Reaction
Chapter 23: The Three Date Rule
- 268 - Rocket Man
- 267 - Change In Plans
- Sketchbook
- 266 - Stupid is as stupid does
- 265 - Encore
- More guests
- Hiatus continues
- Temporary Hiatus
- Graduation
- Budget Cuts
- Super Bowl
- 264 - Apologies
- 263 - The Awakening
- 262 - Smackdown Hotel
- Bootleg: Kaycee
Chapter 22
- 261 - Dream On
- 260 - Election Results
- 259 - Real World
- 258 - The Seminar Pt. 2
- 257 - Seminar Pt. 1
- 256 - Genre-Cide Part 2
- 255 - Genre-cide
- Memorial Day
- Sneak Peak:
- 253 - Big Guns
- 252 - Booooring OR that's a whole lot of cameos!
- 251 - Geek Factor
- Who's Who: Jaye
- 250 Changes
Chapter 20 - Meet Your Maker
- 249 - Swine Flu, Smine Flu
- 248 - Not Cool Enough
- 247 - How Old?
- 246 - Hypocrisy
- 245 - No...yes
- 244 - From Out Of Nowhere
- 243 - Paper Football Blues
- 242 - Literate Hooligans
- 241 - Magazines
Ch. 20 - School Daze
- 240 - Zombie Talk
- 239 - Cheap Imitation
- 238 - Great Inventors
- 237 - Swimwear
- 236 - Talent Competition
- 235 - Evening Wear Competition
- 234 - Octomom
- 233 - More Than You Know
- 232 - One Man's Trash
- 231 - What's Cooler than Cool?
- 230 - A Change in the Weather
- 229 - The Other Side
- 228 - No Fair
- 227 - Say What?
- 225 - Party Like A Rockstar
- 224 - Sunday Apocalypse
- 223 - Really?
- 223 - Not That Easy
- 222- Maybe You Are
- Bootleg: Sneak Peak
- Bootleg: Background
- 221 - W.W.S.T.
- 220 - Not That Guy
- 219 - Not What You Are Thinking
- 218 - Capital N, Small Y, big Fing Q
- Back Soon...Promise
- 217 - Crisis of Faith
- 216 - Progression
- 215 - Daddy Issues
- FAQ 1
- 214 - So Whatcah Saying?
- 213 - That's Hot
- 212 - Happy Thanksgiving
- 211 - What Would You?
- 210 - Nothing Much
- 209 - Mr. Dignity
- 208 - Change of Mind
- Bootleg: Character design
- 207 - Sex Fairy
- Bootleg: Alternate Ending
- 206 - Huh? Wha?
- 205 - Emergency Meeting
Chapter 19: Striptease
- 204 - Happy Halloween
- Rebound Rewind: Halloween Pt. II
- Rebound Rewind: Halloween
- 203 - I am the Lizard King
- 202 - Nefarious Plans
- 201 - Hip Hip Hypocracy
- 200 - Celebration
- 199 - Double Down Trent
- Bootleg: Dr. O'Neill
- 198 - No Son Of Mine
- 197 - Strange odors?
- 196 - It's So Easy
Chapter 18 - Celebrity Skin
- 195 - Got Ringers?
- 194 - Fake I.D.
- 193 - Good ideas
- Filler: Mitey Mite
- 192 - So Hot
- 191 - Idaho Vandals
- 190 - Never again
- 189 - Alright, alright, alright
- 188 - Mamas and Pappas
- 187 - Make Love, Not War
- 186 - Another Company Man Tribute
- 185 - Pride
- 184 - Best Night Ever!
- 183 - Affectionately Yours
- Viva Las Vegas!!!
- 182 - My Angel, My Devil...
- 181 - No better than this
- Bootleg: Will
- 180 - Blame Canada
- 179 - Rough Stuff
- 178 - W.W.I.D.?
Chapter 17 - Hockey Night In America
- 177 - What Are The Odds?
- Filler Art: Power Girl
- 176 - Lies
- Bootleg: Jaye
- 175 - Arcane Knowledge
- 174 - Astounding
Chapter 16 - Wrath of the Green Lantern
- 173 - Nephews
- 172 - Scared
- Bootleg: Pencil Drawings
- 171 - They like us, they really like us
- 170 - Bring Some Girls
- 169 - Street Team
- Bootleg: Slacker Life
- 168 - The Review
- 167 - The Album
- 166 - Nothings Shocking
- 165 - Words and Lyrics
- 164 - Lacerated Larynx
- Bootleg: Jaye
- 163 - More Cowbell
- 162 - Lo Dough
- 161 - ANTisocial
- 160 - THEE
- Bootleg: Rogie
Chapter 15 - Appetite For Destruction
- 159 - Microwaved
- 158 - Hot, Hot, Hot
- 157 - Changing Tunes
- 156 - Not Good Enough?
- 154 - Brain Mush
- 153 - God Hates The Suns
- 152 - Company Man
- 151 - Framed
- 150 - One Shot: The Memory Remains
- 149 - Stay Away
- 148 - Not What You Were Thinking
- 147 - Bigger Mo Better
Chapter 14 - The Trouble With Girls
- 146 - Full On Billy's Mom
- 145 - Aproval
- 144 - The New Direction
- 143 - John Holmes Would Be Proud
- 142 - Welcome Back
- 141 - Lightweights
- Sneak Peak - Mustache
- 140 - Normalcy
- 139 - Hellllow Nurse!!!
- 138 - Left Out
- Bootleg: Concept sketches
- 137 - Down
- Guest Strip
- 136 - Sound Of Silence
- 135 - Hello, Newman
- 134 - Enemies of the State
- 133 - More Nemesises...or is that Nemesi
- 132 - Nemesis
- 131 - In The Way
- At the Movies Pt. 2
- 130 - Friends
- See You Next Week
- Comix Remix 4.0
- Filler
- 129 - Family Discount
- 128 - Sense and Sensitivity
- Bootleg - Reboundblanca
- 127 - But Of Course
- 126 - Aunt Dave
Chapter 13: Home For The Holidays
- 125 - Worst Rockstar Ever
- Happy Thanksgiving
- 124 - Double Your Pleasure
- 123 - Sharp Dressed Man
- 122 - Handcuffed
- Bootleg: Panel Four
- 121 - I Wear My Sunglasses At Night
- 120 - Sworn To A Great Divide
- 119 - Halloween Special
- 118 - Believe
- Who's Who - Doze
- 117 - Taking Care of Bidness
- 116 - Pop Culture Interlude
- 115 - Confidence Is Sexhay
- 114 - The Search For Treason
- 113 - For Whom The Bell Tolls
- Bootleg: Justice League Rebound
- 112 - Avoidance Issues
- 111 - National Velvet
- 110 - Homeland Insecurity
- 109 - Give Me Auctions Not Words
- 108 - Only on Ebay
- 107 - Time Bandits
- Rebound The Movie Pt. 1
- Comic Remix 3.0
- Bootleg: Famous Daves
- 106 - Sugar Britches
- 105 - Unclear on the concept
- 104 - The Return of Ron
- 103 - Chainsaw Babies
- 102 - How to be annoying
- Bootleg - Crayons!!!
- 101 - Severence Package
Ch. 12 - Radiocative Severence Package Time Travel Blues
- The 100
- 99 - Natural Born Grillers
- 98 - False Advertising
- Bootleg: Rough Draft
- 97 - The Review
- 96 - Drummers Have All The Luck
- 95 - Crowded House
- 94 - Where are all the screaming chicks?
- 93 - The First Gig
- 92 - The Name Does Not Remain The Same
- 91 - Only The Names Have Changed
Chapter 11 - For Those About To Rock
- 90 - Don't Stop Believing
- Who's Who: Dave
- 89 - Not Just Yeti
- 88 - Ragnarok and Roll
- 87 - Mr. Brownstone
- 86 - Not What You Think
- Strip 85 - Better Than You
- 84 - Not so fast my friend
- 83 - T.G.I.F.
- 82 - End Of Day
- 81 - Scream A Little Scream
- 80 - The Scream
- Strip 79 - Gator Bait
- 78 - Going Well
- Remix 2 -
- 77 - Class From Hell
- Comic Remix - 1
- Who's Who: Fletcher
- 76 - Oh, Hell No!
- 75 - Run Riot
- 74 - All That?
73 - Doing a little digging
- 72 - Under the Covers
One for the ladies
- 70 - No Good Together
- 69 - Deep Thoughts
- Who's Who - Sebastian
- 68 - Things I think I think
- Who's Who - Billy
- 67 - I'm The Man
- 66 - Low Standards
- 65 - Enter The Dragon
64 - Those Who Can...
- 63 - Father Knows Best
- 62 - Moms just don't understand
- 61 - Devil In The Details
- 60 - Bringin Da Sexyback
- Strip 59 - Seriously Heavy
- 58 - Blender
- 57 - Big Dork Rage
- 56 - Normal Is Boring
- Strip 55 - Anger
- Strip 54
53 - Into the fire
- 52 - Stall tactic
- 51 - Wrong
50 - Bad News
- 49 - On The Plus Side
- 48 - What's In A Name
- 47 - Eye of the Beholder
- Filler Strip: Sneak Peak
- 46 - Not over till it's over
- 45 - Mindless Sheep
- 44 - Lyrical Content
- 43 - Lost
- 42 - Happy Halloween
- 41 - No Clue
- Heavy Metal Thunder
- Lapsed In Judgment
- Who Watches The Watchmen?
- Blow My Mind
- Why ask why?
- Gotta Have Faith
- Shop Girl
- Double Play
- They are not mine!
Chapter 5 - Shop Girl
- Filler Page: Jaye Sketch
- Filler Character Sketch II
- Filler - Character Sketch I
- Leper Messiah
- 31 - Leper Messiah (Redux)
- Game Over
- 30 - Game Over (Redux)
- Vanilla Boy
- 29 - Vanilla Boy (Redux)
- Bonus Sketch - Ron
- Scream Bloody Gore
- 28 - Scream Bloody Gore (Redux)
- Killing Birds
- Sneaky Suspicion
- Short List
Chapter Four - The Scavenger Hunt
- Shallowness Knows No Bounds
- The Date Pt. 2
- The Date Pt. 1
- Who doesn't like puppies?
- Hot?
Internet Dating
- High Fashion
- Make-Up Sex
- Rave Reviews
- Ambiguity
- Moral Dilema
- Not Cool
- Never Better
Chapter 2 - Assault and Battery
- 10.2 - Bad Bands
- 10.1 - So Sad
- Mother Know's Best
- 10 - Phone Home
- Odd Couple
- Foot In Mouth
- 8 - Foot In Mouth (Redux)
- Sheer Terror
- 7 - Terrified (Redux)
- Permission Slip
- 6 - Way Too Hot
- 6 - Way Too Hot (Redux)
- 5 - The Big Loss
- 5 - The Big Loss (Redux)
- 4 - The Cat
- 4 - The Cat (Redux)
- 3 - The B!tch
- 3 - The B!tch (Redux)
- 2 - Mixed Emotions
- 2 - Mixed Emotions (Redux)
- 1 - The Letter
- 1 - The Letter (Redux)
Ch. 1 - My Baby Wrote Me A Letter
369 - About Face
reboundcomic on Oct. 9, 2012
What is this? A new strip? Is REBOUND back? Yup! It has been a rough few months. This comic was drawn and inked months ago, and most of the coloring was done for some time. One of the issues was that I had to render tha back of the truck, and that took me about 6 hours. Now, I have the next 8 strips drawn, and one colored. My problem is photoshop time. Work and family changes has really cut into it. I am still debating whether I may go black and white for some time, but I will keep a fairly regular schedule from here on out whether I stay color of go black and white. I have a ton of strips written and ready to go.