Captain_Rickets on Aug. 16, 2006
Woooo Finished the first season of Veronica Mars just in time for the Second season to come out next week…I am truly a blessed individual…
I'm also just getting into the HBO show “Carnivale” which so far is also fantastic. It's just a great feeling knowing that you've just read the first page of a story that is already all out so you wont have to be eargerly waiting in anticipation to find out the ending.
Oh…and also…Dr. Von Sprinkle is one of the greatest antagonists EVER created…It's true…deal with it…
AIM: N0nStickVelcr0
EMAIL: keegan.basset@gmail.com
n_y_japlander at 6:57AM, Aug. 14, 2008
Oh my gaud!!! I did not know you had this awesome new comic!!! (^U^) I'm soooooo happy!!!!
mylittleworldX3 at 5:44PM, July 28, 2008
will this comic ever update? :(
Hammerfoe Comics at 3:04PM, Sept. 16, 2007
Great comic
mylittleworldX3 at 1:23PM, July 23, 2007
0o never going to the dentist again.
AVIAN FLOOZY at 9:51PM, Jan. 8, 2007
singe de singe de singe
ingrid_nini at 8:50PM, Dec. 5, 2006
dun..dun..duuuuuuun...A DENTIST!! OMG!!!
that1Joo at 3:19PM, Nov. 28, 2006
I would love to see more updates here! I kow you have another comic and all, but... GIMME GIMME!
josif at 2:47AM, Sept. 24, 2006
carly_mizzou at 3:22PM, Sept. 6, 2006
I saw a dentist once...
whiteninja at 8:48PM, Aug. 24, 2006
|:( Eww.... Dentist...
essarr at 6:08PM, Aug. 24, 2006
I like Luci a lot lol xD
Rich at 1:37PM, Aug. 24, 2006
5'd!!!111!1!1!!!21!@12!!! 5'd!1!!11!!!!!!!
Talking Ketchup at 6:46AM, Aug. 24, 2006
he's using his penis to operate.....awww.. its just his tail :( the best dentists use their penises.
sihayadib at 7:34AM, Aug. 20, 2006
Evil lurks...
Thirdperiodlunch at 9:23AM, Aug. 17, 2006
Oh my.
magickmaker at 8:16AM, Aug. 17, 2006
Sweet zombie Cthulhu...
Garwik at 7:41AM, Aug. 17, 2006
He performs dentistry with his monkey tail? Pure evil I say!
br4nzilla at 6:43AM, Aug. 17, 2006
GASP. .. This is funny stuff. X3
suzi at 6:38AM, Aug. 17, 2006
Keegan, stop being better than me at everything D:
dragthemdown at 6:12AM, Aug. 17, 2006
hey... that's MY dentist! haha, kidding. i dont' have a deintist.
thatreevesgirl at 4:43AM, Aug. 17, 2006
That is the most creative name ever...EVER!
Melvin Erville at 3:29AM, Aug. 17, 2006
I require a Saint Lampboy t- shirt! People will be all "Woow cool what is saint lamp boy" and I'll be all "you don't read saint lamp boy, pfsst..." I also require a skateboard whit him silK screened on the bottom for similar reasons...
josif at 2:46AM, Aug. 17, 2006
woops sorry for the double post :S
josif at 2:46AM, Aug. 17, 2006
all dentists are my evil enemy
josif at 2:46AM, Aug. 17, 2006
all dentists are my evil enemy