014 (Before) Karaoke!: Door Ratings
Sei on July 13, 2010
…very subtle humour here…
My friend Zimmy, oi my friend Zimmy. It was pretty random as we were waiting to get our karaoke room. We were standing in the lobby and as other customers came through the door, he started shooting off numbers as people walked in- I soon caught on as I could clearly see their “hotness”. The first gal, yes, quite attractive, the second… well you get the idea. I laughed and said to him at that point: “I can't believe you just said that.”
And when he gave the rating when the guy walked through the door, I went into hysterical fits of laughter. :'D
He totally became more of a jerk/shallow dickwad/pervert when he came back from Japan- but that doesn't mean anything cuz I was like that before I even went :U.
Sei at 2:42AM, July 18, 2010
LOL @ otaku4ever xD.
otaku4ever at 6:32PM, July 17, 2010
i agree, that is a very smexy door. ...oh wait you ment the people... XD
Tamerlane at 8:57AM, July 15, 2010
Hahaha I love it XD
Avie at 5:17AM, July 15, 2010
Haha XD "0" Funny.
Sei at 10:15PM, July 14, 2010
No DJLink, I don't think they even understood what was going on. And we were a pretty safe distance away too :). Thanks AriaBlarg :D.
AriaBlarg at 9:54PM, July 14, 2010
Haha I love it
DJLink at 9:48PM, July 14, 2010
lol is there a fourth panel in which he gets punched by said guy? :D?
mackie at 9:05PM, July 14, 2010