Round 1: 01
Ruka E Pocky on March 28, 2007
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Yes, he is eating noodles with his toes.
mindcat at 10:49PM, July 28, 2007
*snirk*, that's totally me... if i was a dude.
wave at 2:26PM, April 17, 2007
Using chopsticks with your toes takes extreme skill... I love the style of this comic. It might be the jagged lines you use to draw the characters, or it might be the coloring, or a little of both, but it's just awesome overall. It vaguely reminds me of the art style on the Gorillaz album covers and stuff. Nice job! I'm really looking forward to this new story!
lothar at 4:57AM, April 15, 2007
looks good ! nice lighting !
Ruka E Pocky at 9:10AM, April 1, 2007
Eheh, your friend WISHES he was just like Nukey. >>
Freux at 11:37PM, March 28, 2007
Hahaha.. that's adorable.