MOPA 029

xailenrath on Jan. 16, 2019

Continuing to chronicle my nervous breakdown/mid-life crisis.
For those wondering about my favorite superpower - this is a partial explanation.

Honestly, I do think Jamie Madrox is cool - when Marvel isn't using him for a one-man bodycount, then bringing him back from the dead, only to fucking kill him off again!!!
As Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men puts it, he is “The Retcon That Walks Like A Man”…

But, I digress…

One of the many reasons that I am so scattered is that I have been doing everything all by myself for so long.
When one has an abundance of ideas, but not the wherewithall to make them so without assistance, that lack of assistance can become crippling. If there were more of me, or, at the very least more folks of like mind that I could count on to help do MY projects MY way without trying to change things to suit them (yes, this has been an issue in the past, which is one of the reasons that I engage in FEW collab projects these days), then I could get SO MUCH done!

Until that day comes, I will continue to try to crank out the dozens of different comics rattling around my brain before I go completely nuts.
And, yes - I DO own this shirt! It's my second favorite shirt that I own!