Filler (Pokemon challenge)
Doklor567 on June 17, 2007
Ok, Heres a little something to tide you over until exams are over (Monday next week). So basically I have copied out the names of the original 150 pokemon but one of them. You have to guess which one is missing.( By the way, It's not Mew)
Gamer Luke at 4:36PM, July 11, 2009
Togepi and Dialga aren't in the original 150, you dumb****s
phantom95 at 4:24PM, March 3, 2009
Your ALL WRONG it's obviously THE MASTER OF ALL POKEMON....Togepi dun Dun DUn DUN
Doklor567 at 5:34PM, Oct. 10, 2007
just so you guys know i will be getting back to this eventually
Aura Wolf at 4:00AM, Sept. 19, 2007
um... DIALGA! Yay me!
red demon at 2:33PM, Aug. 6, 2007
Gastly, oh the others said it too.
jim at 8:57PM, June 21, 2007
It's Gastly, I cheated though =), I pulled out my blue version.
Guncannon at 4:27PM, June 18, 2007
Gastly I remember the order they came in for the pokerap