I'm real sorry for the long update, just it's been real hard to update. So I'll try as best I can to do some, I'm thinkin of starting another mini series, so I update much easier. Enjoy.
Awesome comic, where did you get these custom sprites or did you make them on your own? If you did do you think you could make one of my custom character, if so i'll send you his profile.
Send your answer to mlarger1@hotmail.com
Stoopidmahn at 8:26PM, July 6, 2008
alex2000 at 3:07PM, Nov. 17, 2007
is this comic dead well i'll fave anyways
anonymous at 5:26AM, July 18, 2007
Awesome comic, where did you get these custom sprites or did you make them on your own? If you did do you think you could make one of my custom character, if so i'll send you his profile. Send your answer to mlarger1@hotmail.com
Nktakumi at 9:35AM, June 16, 2007
Nice sprite, Nice story. Does TTA inspired you? Or oid you came up yourself?
Doggeh5775 at 1:43PM, April 18, 2007
I just read te whole comic just now, and I gotta say. ...Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Boss Stevens at 12:41AM, April 13, 2007
You remind me of Jutsu McCloud for some reason.
KingSkullkid at 8:30AM, March 23, 2007
KazeFire at 11:43AM, March 18, 2007
Cool sprites!
Flame the Hybrid at 10:46AM, March 18, 2007
Sweet update.
Wes_Nero123 at 10:45AM, March 18, 2007