Something different.

dpat57 on Aug. 5, 2024

Where we've got to: Aboard the alien Worldship, Bruce challenged giant robot guardian Xor to a rematch, expecting an easy victory, but Xor punched and kicked the snot out of him. As Bruce lies on the deck recovering, Queen Mir appears, along with former AI Steinitz who now sports a new body. Xor only recently reactivated after being zapped and put into storage for thousands of years by his treacherous backup guardian unit, Xor-Thul, and harbors certain resentments. Meanwhile Nadia waits to see what's going to happen next, along with Titania and one of the enforcers who were activated by the rebel princesses after Xor (really Xor-Thul) was brutally shut down by Titania….

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Crowbar: A Sci-Fi Adventure
Buns of Steel
You Call That A Stick Figure Comic?
Forest Reckoning
Starship Captain III
Sword Princess Yukisaki II
Secret Agent: British Intelligence II
Captain Gold and the Robotrons

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