PAGE FIFTEEN: The Adventure Begins Iss. #3 Vol. #1

MegaRdaniels on Jan. 13, 2021

Hello guys, how are you all today. So in the mix of me writing this notification here, you might have noticed the sudden allure to violence in this comic. Well, it all balls down to this specific YouTube Channel called DeadMeat. Go check him out when you have the time, and it inspired me to say, oh that movie has that kind of gory death scene, well hold my beer. So, that is where the extreme death and violence comes from in previous pages here. Um, in the next page, well by tomorrow, I am going to show you all a cameo character that is going to appear in the next Volume. Yes, I am planning a second volume with a co-writer from this site. He goes by the name of Matthew Young, he is helping me in shaping up Stringy and Mopy: World's Finest which is the next Volume after Issue #4, the final issue for Volume 1.

Anyway, how do you guys like this page? Please be sure to leave it down in the comment box down below and if you would like to see more, if you're new please leave a like, share, and (lol) Subscribe for more updates. Until next time…
