Don't worry, you're not alone! With one or two exceptions where the comic style is particularly suited to B&W, colours help [i]everyone's[/i] pages!
There are so many examples even here on DD where the comic looks good to start with but immediately improves even further as soon as colour is added. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
cdmalcolm1 at 7:29PM, Aug. 26, 2016
Awesome comic. Too bad it stopped. Looking forward to reading more.
DarkChibiShadow at 6:41PM, Sept. 15, 2009
Faved- hope you update!
novembertree at 9:55AM, Aug. 26, 2009
Man, I love your style! I also love the society so far. It looks so interesting. c: Faved. Will be looking forward to more. ♥♥
JustNoPoint at 7:36PM, Feb. 3, 2009
I hope you return soon :)
Lemniskate at 10:32AM, Nov. 24, 2008
Heh, you drew a fork, i.e. silverware :)
DAJB at 1:05AM, Nov. 24, 2008
Don't worry, you're not alone! With one or two exceptions where the comic style is particularly suited to B&W, colours help [i]everyone's[/i] pages! There are so many examples even here on DD where the comic looks good to start with but immediately improves even further as soon as colour is added. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Aghammer at 6:29PM, Nov. 23, 2008
Fav'd nice line work. I'm going back to read the rest. :D
Willicus at 3:35PM, Nov. 23, 2008
This is awesome! I love your style! Fav'd.