Prison piece-- The Leviathan
rainingbells on May 20, 2018
Many years ago on my (now defunct) website, I wrote a Battle Royale-type story at the end of time. Only it was essentially various timeline versions of Vic against each other.
The Leviathan was a terrible brute…not that Vic isn't a terrible brute. But we all have shades of ourselves, and while Vic is a merciless bastard in regard to caring for his family, it weights on him, the things he feels driven to do. Leviathan Vic is just a savage bastard, more stripped down than Prime Vic. Nothing but urges, instincts, drive the Leviathan, and there is no guilt.
In lockup, I felt compelled to illustrate this shade of Vic. There might be a nod to Firefly in his dialog.
You're good geeks, I'm sure you can find it.
I'm a big fan of genetic engineering and body mods. I'm a supporter of H+ concepts. I believe we should be free to advance or manipulate ourselves. Those elements show up a lot in my material, even if only on the DL. Still…certain mods either do absolutely nothing for me or outright skeeve me.
Realistically it isn't about me or anyone else other than the person who gets the mods. It's not about us, it's about them feeling comfy in their own skin. Like my own tats or piercings, or that I wear make-up sometimes – that's about no one but me when I look in the mirror. Feeling as if I look like the “me” in my head.
I purposefully gave Leviathan no eyebrows because I'd shaved mine before (like 15 years ago), and one of the first things that struck me was how much eyebrows conveyed emotion, and how difficult it was to gauge a person without them. How alien I was in my own reflection. Also, a forked tongue because for whatever deep reason, the idea of splitting a tongue is a thing that sends a legit chill down my spine. Usually I try and play the middle ground even on characters that are “bad guys” to me personally – I tell the story but it's not my call on who you consider protagonists, antagonists, etc. – but sometimes I purposefully design a character that speaks to me directly and says, “this is a creepy muthafucka.” The Leviathan is one such character.
Coydog at 3:20PM, May 23, 2018
Now that's hardcore. Congrats on the feature!
Jason Moon at 7:01PM, May 22, 2018