the main prob with space elevators is there is no known material strong enuf and thin , the cable would be kilometers wide at the mid point , and also there is the difficulty of a power souirce , some have proposed using lazers to tranfer the energy but that seems like BS to me !
Darkmax at 11:51PM, Nov. 8, 2006
Very Nice
dracco at 8:59AM, Nov. 3, 2006
Great art!
ZoeStead at 1:41AM, Oct. 9, 2006
That's some really nice artwork. Keep it up!
lothar at 8:43PM, Sept. 3, 2006
the main prob with space elevators is there is no known material strong enuf and thin , the cable would be kilometers wide at the mid point , and also there is the difficulty of a power souirce , some have proposed using lazers to tranfer the energy but that seems like BS to me !
deleted-byrequest-03 at 5:37PM, Sept. 3, 2006
This is an awesome comic. You need more comments...
blueyes at 4:18PM, Sept. 3, 2006
Love the art!