File One: Page 2

Xaam on Dec. 14, 2006

Hello again!

Xaam here with another completed page. So, an update on things in general.

Concerning life, things have been understandably hectic as of late. This week has been finals week, and I'm in crunch mode right now trying to get everything in order. And let’s not forget that it's that time of the year again; the time when loving sentiments are wrapped up in plush, paper packaging and strategically placed under brightly lit trees.

All in all, I was horribly late on my very first scheduled update for the comic. But fear not! Extenuating circumstances being what they were, this won't be par for the course, nor will it be an indicator of my updating habits for the future.

I plan to be (for the most part) punctual in my updates.

Progress report? I've completed sketching on the next TWO pages *pauses to pat self on back* and I'm coloring the next page as we speak. :)

To Wingnut:

I took your advice to heart and I've tried coloring with a smaller brush. It took considerably longer and I'm not sure if I can even tell a difference…well, maybe I can. You tell me…does it look any better?

I went back and examined the large brush strokes in question. Quite right on that count, I'll watch out for it in the future. Thanks for the comment and the great advice!

To Mr.MustardSeed:

Go to bed. :p

Well there you have it folks! The comic is well and truly underway. Next week, expect two more updates and lots more plot.

Okay, so, we all know that the only way to cure pent up thoughts is to take up interpretive dancing or leave comments. I'm open to both, but seeing as I have some errands to run, feedback would be preferred for the moment.

Much love.