Chapter2 page055
What A Life on Oct. 14, 2006
sorry for the late update ^^“
i'll keep the excuse to myself or else you'll be bored
oh yea, for those who don't go to the ”Home" page (which is where i make the annoucement), i already annouced the winner last week (& the winner is Aries132!)
oh! i also have 1 pic up (i think a lot of you guys will like this one XD lol)
click on the gallery section to take a look at it
ingrid_nini at 8:33PM, Dec. 5, 2006
heeeeeeey when are you gonna update! it's been a long while now...but..i understand you...i've been like that..but now i've finally uploaded my
Raina_Hacker at 3:23PM, Dec. 4, 2006
WHERES THE NEXT PAGE!? D: Gah~! I wanted to read it!! Or is there no more? O//o I read the Authors note! And I dont see anything about it! Please reply and let meknow! Your work is still PRECIOUS! X3 ~Yoshihiro-Chan
Kasablanca at 12:07PM, Dec. 1, 2006
Ah! I've reached the end of the reupdated part... so now I have to wait! NOOO! You have to update, pleeeease! 10:25... I sleep for that long on weekends too. ^^
ingrid_nini at 8:03PM, Nov. 21, 2006
cute ^^
Kagomas at 10:42AM, Nov. 14, 2006
*really really small voice* update?
glimmer at 11:43PM, Nov. 12, 2006
I really enjoy your story so far lol okay that bracelet has some significance I know it I have'nt read it all no one tell me XD
Rubygem at 7:12PM, Nov. 10, 2006
I like that bracelet on the table ^^
Kagomas at 3:31AM, Nov. 1, 2006
That's a bad time, right?
What A Life at 4:26PM, Oct. 21, 2006
thank you^^
Knuckles at 9:40AM, Oct. 21, 2006
oo what a nice manga. You have a pretty shoujo style ^^
insanelysane at 7:07AM, Oct. 20, 2006
dang, she is sooo late! omg, anonymous.. that's.. O_O a really detailed story haha! xD good job!
What A Life at 4:52PM, Oct. 18, 2006
*SPOILER* she's not going to school ;)
kikia at 1:50PM, Oct. 18, 2006
XD awesome i wonder what she's gonna do she's late for school
anonymous at 3:30PM, Oct. 16, 2006
if one things for sure, she wont be hurrying up and getting dressed. cuz she enjoyed last night so much that she's re-enacting the position she was. Last night, I tied her up in the exact same position and smacked her face at least a hundred times with my cock, then I blasted as much cum as I can right into her mouth. She loved it. I hope tonight she'll go easy on me as I'm gonna be the slave this night. She's gonna be wearing leather and boots and I will be tied up while she smothers my face with her tits. Or maybe she'll do something more. I hope she doesnt hurt me tonight. x_X
Ihomaru at 12:19PM, Oct. 16, 2006
Well in my dream I read something different lol ^.^ glad it wasn't the same otherwise I'd probably be freakin out o-o;; but I don't remember much of it now as I did before @.@ I've been having tons of crazy dreams. Keep up the great work, I really love your art
thisberichard at 11:04AM, Oct. 16, 2006
Looking great, as usual.
CZweig at 5:22PM, Oct. 15, 2006
Well it looks nice, so it's no matter if it's late ^_^
priuscomet at 5:05PM, Oct. 15, 2006
oooo that's late. lol