I haven't done this in a LONG time but.. that Spirit Lookin' Person looks a little funny to me. It's probably the orange, I would have used a better color. I have absolutely no idea how that black and yellow thing resembles a blade. Looks to me more like a banana peel.
I do like the panel layout though, and that wisp effect is a nice touch.
globep at 11:50AM, Dec. 14, 2009
Where's his accent ? And yeah , I like the new layout . It's more serious than the "WEE WOO" thing
sonicrocks12345 at 9:26PM, Aug. 22, 2009
misuse your power MISUSE YOUR POWER
anonymous at 5:10PM, Jan. 30, 2007
are you ever going to update?
Shadow_X at 4:41PM, Jan. 13, 2007
I haven't done this in a LONG time but.. that Spirit Lookin' Person looks a little funny to me. It's probably the orange, I would have used a better color. I have absolutely no idea how that black and yellow thing resembles a blade. Looks to me more like a banana peel. I do like the panel layout though, and that wisp effect is a nice touch.
metabad at 9:09PM, Jan. 6, 2007
paneling could be better, I don't really know the exact panel layout in this...but this is still awesome :D
SailorPoison at 2:28PM, Dec. 28, 2006
lol do it do it!
KevinClifford at 7:43AM, Dec. 28, 2006
That "layout" reminds me to much of Cardona's from [i]The Gatekeepers.[/i]
HIroswordking5 at 12:52AM, Dec. 28, 2006
Odd looking weapon by the way
HIroswordking5 at 12:51AM, Dec. 28, 2006
Here is your criticism and now you have to pay 25 dollars.
Mettuar_Hunter at 10:16PM, Dec. 27, 2006
Hooo, 50th strip posted... only 7 more plot comics til #50... pretty frustrating it took me so long, though...