1. The beginning(had to start somewhere)
necrolichmon on March 9, 2010
I was just sitting at home one day and then bam. I had the idea of a sprite comic. I was up for 3 nights straight writing ideas, surfing for sprites and everything till I was ready. Hope you like it, it will get better.(hopefully) March 10, 2010
Grim_the_Hedgehog at 6:31AM, Aug. 16, 2010
giovanni at 11:10AM, May 1, 2010
mono colors and bright backgrounds not exactly brilliant unlike said background though you did had to start somewhere
necrolichmon at 11:16AM, March 11, 2010
well i firsted started by just looking up megaman 16-bit sprite sheets and bob and george and megaman the comic. i took some sprites from those comics for animataion but i will not use there jokes.(maybe) and for how long it took well im still working on it and it has been over a week.
Darkling the 3rd at 9:42PM, March 10, 2010
How long did it took you to make this and where did you get that sprite?