33. back to the inn
necrolichmon on Dec. 7, 2011
sorry for being gone for more then a week. my updates wont be like old times due to my job. forgot to tell you guys about that. anyway, we will be continuing the story soon so lets just keep reading. on a side note though, i just got mario kart wii and my god, i cant drive. the n64 was much easier then this!
Castle Pokemetroid at 12:17AM, Feb. 29, 2012
That reminds me, I still need to update.
giovanni at 7:07PM, Feb. 26, 2012
i'll see if i can read it all again
KademonsterX at 7:24PM, Dec. 15, 2011
It does feel really fresh, definitely the best and most accurate motion controls I've experienced. Nintendo rules \m/
necrolichmon at 7:38PM, Dec. 10, 2011
also, i am a nintendo fan boy as well. i worship nintendo.
necrolichmon at 7:38PM, Dec. 10, 2011
hey kade, also it worked great with skyward sword. love playing it.
KademonsterX at 7:30PM, Dec. 10, 2011
Oh, fav'd and recommended.
KademonsterX at 7:30PM, Dec. 10, 2011
I'm beginning to think motion controls are over rated. They do work nicely for Skyward Sword, I suppose. Call me classy, but I'd rather push buttons than waggle. Too bad for me, since I'm a Nintendo fan boy.