dragon Shraa_tak on Nov. 27, 2007
Front cover and there is just too many characters. That doesn't mean I'm not taking more. Cameos still wanted if you want to send them in.
I must apologise for some stuff first -
My bit mixing, White backgrounds, Lame jokes, Using paint and alls i have to say is…people have to start somewhere
Credit to -
Dreamweaver for Midna and Zaldin
xDalekgreyx for Chaos Caan and Spinic
Vindu for Boni
Mordechai for Mordechai
Ericthehedgheog for Eric
Saria for Savina
Zippo Prower for Zippo
coolgirlblue at 12:26PM, July 2, 2009
Cool!I like the way you coloured your own characters.
Howey at 12:42AM, Jan. 30, 2008
By the looks this is ganana be funny