Plush Kitten on May 22, 2008
Um, yeah. I am TOTALLY working on tidbits right now. I am also working on 12 other projects right this minute but whenever I turn my phone on it tells me to do Tidbits. There WILL be a proper page in the next 7 days. I mean it.
webcomics heh at 8:00AM, Oct. 14, 2009
a SEXY pocketman?
Anubis at 4:22PM, July 3, 2008
I checked out prices to get things published, and I found it cheaper to get comics done in the US rather than over here, including postage!
shino at 2:29PM, June 10, 2008
oooohhhh i love this!!!!!
Plush Kitten at 3:52PM, June 2, 2008
^_^; Yep. 7 days. I'll post it tonight if I get home before midnight. Which is unlikely. -_-
DAJB at 9:25AM, May 23, 2008
Plush Kitten at 4:55AM, May 23, 2008
Oh! I finally got Photoshop! When this chapter is done I will redo the entire thing in photoshop and get it published locally in Canberra (Capital of Australia).