04- Blown Away
maritalbliss on June 21, 2007
I'm tired and don't really feel like leaving much in the way of “notes.” But, people seem to get more comments when they do and I looove a'tha comments.
Have a great weekend! See you Wednesday, with Marital Bliss???
alecisonfire at 10:10PM, Oct. 13, 2007
I love the spider's last words :D
taintedwords at 9:38AM, Aug. 8, 2007
:) sweet two good comics to read now martal bliss and this. sick
Emma_Clare at 5:37AM, July 3, 2007
ha ha... the humor is so close to home! :D I'm going to keep watch on this one...
Bird Seed at 4:31AM, July 2, 2007
Nice art! you score 5 and favourite list, ive been reading youre comic and i like it ;) By the way thanks for the tip you made about the size of the comic.
Rusty Knight at 6:38PM, June 22, 2007
Lol... The broom crashed.
Rockster1039 at 4:51PM, June 22, 2007