usedbooks on Jan. 4, 2016
I haven’t drawn Tim in a while. I may have forgotten how. But I loved the idea of a giant Christmas sweater, so there you go. Refresher/reminder: Tim is nearly 8 feet tall. He used to be a syndicate assassin, but he didn’t like being treated as a brainless thug and didn’t get along with Meredith, so Raidon took him off the criminal scene and signed him on as a giant butler. He’s now Raidon’s main confidante and does very little skull busting.
(Tim’s appearance seems out of the blue, but humor me. Raidon’s part in the operation will be more obvious soon.)
tupapayon: Couldn't care less.
Peipei: They don't care about their secrets.
KimLuster: Valentine likes to play with his prey. :P
plymayer: Thanks!
Peipei at 5:21PM, Jan. 7, 2016
I want this guy to get it so bad x.x...
ghostrunner at 9:31AM, Jan. 5, 2016
her name is pam
plymayer at 10:06PM, Jan. 4, 2016
He is big. Kind of a David Prowse without the stand in voice.
Anubis at 4:37PM, Jan. 4, 2016
ohhh I so want him to die slowly
KimLuster at 7:52AM, Jan. 4, 2016
I really, really dislike these guys }:)
tupapayon at 6:41AM, Jan. 4, 2016
"Frosty the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul, With a corn cob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made of coal."
fallopiancrusader at 6:33AM, Jan. 4, 2016
That Christmas sweater is awesome! I hope he at least wears a Hello Kitty tank top in the summer