- Come on over!
- Pin-up!
- Staring Contest...
- Late!
- Team-work... violent... but heart warming...
- Style Change... again!
- The End... Of this chapter!!!!!
- Over-reaction much?:D
- "You look like you could use some company!"
- an ACTUAL dramatic moment
- Don't drink the coffee!!!!
- Sorry I suck, lol!
- Holy Crap!!! IZ Back!
- Until then!
- Lack of trust
- Fluff
- Wavin' that white flag
- I remembered this time!:D
- He never learns!
- GTFO!!!!
- He can play hero, too....
- All togetha now!
- Happy Early Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!:D
- Team-work... that's what it's all about.
- Talk-too-much
- If you don't have anything nice to say... let the Priest say it.
- ....Ouch, my pride...
- "Riotous Mob Scene" TAKE-2!
- Not quite on the same page but still on the same paper
- To the rescue!
- Men...
- Not quite enough...
- Awkward Angles! O-O
- Glowy-Actiony-GOODNESS!
- Disagreements
- Watch where you're pointing that thing!
- Sliced out of thought
- Lots and lots of people... O.o
- Let's give him a hand!
- It's a flower! :D
- Damn kids!
- DON'T WORRY! Be Happy!
- Devising a plan
- The look... "D-:"
- Not the sharpest tool in the shed...
- Ch-Ch-Cha-Changes!!!
- The Beast
- I didn't do it!
- I can't come up with a clever name for this page... so there...
- A pretty face turns men blind
- Awwwwk-waaaarrrrrrd>_>
- Doesn't look too bad!
- Baaaad judge o' character... @o@
- Lurve at first sight?! ... or maybe another set of clothing to add to her colection...?*sigh*
- Cuz I felt LIKE IT!....^^
- Very-very... INTERESTING!!!!
- Well, there's a surprise... no, really!
- For the love of pete...
- No respect...*sigh*
- A worth-while investment...?
- Stating the obvious
- Contest!
- Fresh change of clothes
Issue 2!!
- The End... FOR NOW!
- Why yes, she CAN fly...
- Vote incentive!
- What aren't you people getting, here?
- Thank the Lord for the Living
- Tastes Like 'Gator, Actually...
- Turning Point
- If I had a nickel
- Gaaaaaah!
- Face to Face-Grin to Fear
- Halt, ye foul pest
- What is WRONG with you people?
- Peeking
- She "felt" like it
- "Stupid Silence"
- Delayed reaction
- Lavender-Eyed Witch
- Sadistic Evil
- Brave little idiot.
- Play on Words
- Enter Vamp... again
- 2
Issue# 1 "Eyes of Dark Red"
- Filler "The New Comic!"
- Filler
- YES! Yes! There are men in the comic... aside from little green demons
- It's late and I don't have to work tomorrow!
- Hullo!
Because I love my readers!
Come on over!
Kenz Lee on Jan. 16, 2012
Hello, everyone! Click the link to be carried over to the BRAND NEW VampyrFetal Chronicles!http://www.drunkduck.com/VampyrFetal_Chronicles/5375494/ I'm very excited and Nervous to re-introduce you to the story many of you enjoyed! I hope you enjoy this just as much if not more! Cheers, everyone! I hope some of you still linger here!