Oh, hey! I just tried sending you a message saying, "It's nice to meet you! X3" and to thank you, but it said you couldn't receive mail or something? So I'm sorry that I'm not able to respond to your PQs, it just not allowing them to go through to you. ):
Oh the suspense of what Ryba looks like! XD I like the touch of the surreal clock face, I keep staring at it, waiting for it to make sense... XD It immediately makes the setting not as normal as it seems...
Heehee I love the scribble of her bed-hair, too XD The "Yay!" is so cute X3
^^ Heeeeey Pink. Nice job, yo. I likes the way you drew her hair all messy. 'tis a nice touch.
...are those harlequin socks...? XD Well, even so...I like the way you did them in the fifth pannel. Some nice perspective.
^^ Update soon, lil' sis. I'll be waiting.
Katbot at 2:45PM, Feb. 7, 2007
Nice job!
deepcheese at 4:25AM, Feb. 7, 2007
^^. That looks like me when I get up in the morning...
Shortnproud at 7:35PM, Feb. 6, 2007
The clothes look so cool. I would like to see more.
Jashiku at 7:30PM, Feb. 6, 2007
hm, i'd like to see more. =D
VANZ at 6:37PM, Feb. 6, 2007
hey! nice work Pink. I'm lookin forward to seein more ^_^
EinKun at 6:03PM, Feb. 6, 2007
I SOO HATE ALARM CLOCKS... Oh boy XD. meh, Oh, and good job btw! Meows for you~
Pink at 5:48PM, Feb. 6, 2007
May yes they are harlequin socks!
Pink at 5:46PM, Feb. 6, 2007
thanks Spiff!^_^
Spiff at 5:42PM, Feb. 6, 2007
I should have 3 new pages by tom. keep it up^^
Spiff at 1:27PM, Feb. 6, 2007
Hi, good job to you too, nice to meet someone with my kind of art style
Pink at 11:27AM, Feb. 6, 2007
Freakeh at 10:47AM, Feb. 6, 2007
Oh, hey! I just tried sending you a message saying, "It's nice to meet you! X3" and to thank you, but it said you couldn't receive mail or something? So I'm sorry that I'm not able to respond to your PQs, it just not allowing them to go through to you. ):
Freakeh at 10:35AM, Feb. 6, 2007
Oh the suspense of what Ryba looks like! XD I like the touch of the surreal clock face, I keep staring at it, waiting for it to make sense... XD It immediately makes the setting not as normal as it seems... Heehee I love the scribble of her bed-hair, too XD The "Yay!" is so cute X3
Pink at 7:07AM, Feb. 6, 2007
i'm really prowed of it
Frail at 11:47PM, Feb. 5, 2007
^^ Heeeeey Pink. Nice job, yo. I likes the way you drew her hair all messy. 'tis a nice touch. ...are those harlequin socks...? XD Well, even so...I like the way you did them in the fifth pannel. Some nice perspective. ^^ Update soon, lil' sis. I'll be waiting.