Wayout West Issue3 page 32
arvtoon on Oct. 19, 2009
That's it for issue 3 of Wayout West. For those loyal few of you out there, I hope it's been worth the wait. Unfortunately it will be some time before issue 4 (featuring an all-out action issue as the rebel Cowboys face off with the Aliens for the first time) is available. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for new “Mercenary Pig” and “XRQ 24” here on DrunkDuck soon. And remember, hard copies of all these titles are available at www.sureshotcomics.com! Enjoy, and write!!!
arvtoon at 9:13AM, Dec. 30, 2009
Harkovast- We meet again, old friend. I just clicked the wrong button trying to read all your post. I clicked that darn report Bad Comment button by mistake. If your door gets kicked in by DrunkDuck web commandos just tell them to call my home phone. I'll explain everything. As for your questions regarding what happens next in Wayout West-- you're just going to have to wait and see. Needless to say, whatever happens, issue 4 will be action packed-- I promise!
harkovast at 1:36PM, Dec. 15, 2009
Are they planning to send him on his own or is he going to be leading a team of a coupe of thousand heavily armed, tentacle headed commandos? Also...if the bad guys get body armour, are they going to give this guy any?
harkovast at 1:36PM, Dec. 15, 2009
Are they planning to send him on his own or is he going to be leading a team of a coupe of thousand heavily armed, tentacle headed commandos? Also...if the bad guys get body armour, are they going to give this guy any?
trevoramueller at 10:39AM, Oct. 23, 2009
Nicely done!
arvtoon at 1:37PM, Oct. 20, 2009
Ipokino!- Man! I just posted this! Don't let your boss catch you reading comics at work. I wouldn't want to be responsible for any fans losing their job because of my web comic, especially in this economy. Be sure and read issues 1&2 first. Both are here on DD!
ipokino at 11:23AM, Oct. 20, 2009
I am always surprised when I run up against a nifty new comic done with professional flair. Not that there aren't any, just they are few and far between and I've seen a lot of between!!! Faving this so I can check it out better when I'm not at work!