Page 25

dotcrossbuns on Oct. 5, 2019

White Void now has its own website! Check it out:

I redid the first half of this strip. You can see the original version here.

Shell: Well! That's certainly different.
Cat: It's easy to find the determinant. You just use detA = a_11detA_11 - a_21detA_21 +,- … ± a_n1detA_n1.
Shell: I'll keep that in mind.
Cat: My name's Matrix, by the way.
Shell: I see. I'm Shell, and this is Disk.
Disk: Can I call you Trixie?
Matrix: No.
Disk: Say, Matrix, do you know where the –
Matrix: Catnip!
(Matrix chows down on the pot plant, which is now catnip)
Disk: – bathroom is?