- Filler
- Introduction: the end
- Introduction: Shimpachi ..But who cares
- introduction: AIko
- Introuction: William Holmes is back
Introduction: Road to future
- Fanstrip Kivato
- Season two!
- World Dominaton hae his own page
- WD 01
- World domination will start
- Blast form the past
- Ze endo?
- Feling better yet?
- Celebration
- Upset?
- Brotherhood?
- Positive thinking
- Euphie on the run
- More filler...sorry
- Party crusher
- Wait for me
Chapter seventeen
- Aiko human
- Changing seasons
- Basil wallpaper thingy
- Reasoning
- England Past VI: At the end of the battle....
- England past V: William Kick
- England pst: IV: Savior
- England past III: Coward
- England past II: PETA
- England past I
- Flashback time...
- Basil kwows it all
- Filler art of..PHYCHD?
- Basil kick...
- Mood weather
- Zawa Zawa...Basil is back!
- The divergent wolf
Chapter sixteen
- Real DESPAIR IV: end of the illusion
- Real DESPAIR III: Road to salvation
- Fan art II: Doriard
- Fan art I: Kivato
- Despair IV -ends-
- Despair III
- Filler T_T
- Despair II
- Despair
- Basil explains everything
- the cryng samurai
- more fighting...hey wait..
- Still more fighting
Chapter Fifteen
- William sage mode...erm..monkey mode?
- Iai...
- Filler: William is ..cool?
- My fault
- El gran pincel...dificil de maniobrar!
- Aiko and her own battle...mini filler
- Blood battle...I mean Brush Battle...
- Brush quality
- Battle tactics
- Crazy girl
- Minna..ore wa...Ichijou...
- The arena, because they have a dojo inside the building...jeez
- Brush battle?
- Contest results-dawn of the dreams-
- Vacation Time
- Key to freedom
Chapter fourteen
- Gossiping girls take 2
- Gossiping girls
- the party is on...wait...
- That afternoon 2 years ago
- The samurai and the jerk
- he is not tense at all
- Japanese customs of evil
- The cat the fox, and the tiger cheetah like thing
- basils good vibes
- I am not paying anything
- The four devas of manga world (SHonen Jump Style)
- The ominous looking door!! 200 pages!!
- Ichijo cast curse on William!
- Euphies cast confusion on your party!!
Chapter thirteen
- Euphie is annoying, but you knew that from the star right
- Happy new year!
- Come on, dont say it!
- The horrible resume
- Kitsune present you...a box
- Will and Tokyo is Back
- Killer instinct
- sorry for the lack of updates
- Ichijo ignored
- Ichijos story is...is...meh
- The day after the convention
- Will and tokyo volume 1
- Chapter teaser
- William reaching out the moon
- kohai ranking
- Kazuki was insulted again
- We can finish it!
Chapter twelve
- And Will is...
- Hypocrite
- Different ways to deal with hunger: Temptation
- Different ways of dealing with hunger
- Olda womans have food with them
- Hungry
- Ukiyo-e style
- Will and Tokyo Characters
- The usagis theory
- Basil Gaiden 06 A plan?
- The demon and the kimono girl
- Basil Gaiden 05 Basil is a racist!! wait what?!
- Filler of Basil Gaiden
- Basil Gaiden 04: Narf
- Basil gaiden 03 : Nice filler for the filler
- Basil gaiden 02: Cat agility
- Basil Gaiden 01
- For younger kids
- The shoujo manga queem
- Filler art, thanks Hero
- The eyes of doom
- Seppuku time
- The eternal cicle
Chapter eleven
- the buddhist chant
- filler
- Come on, think danmit
- Dont cry Ichijo
- The weird character
- William Bizarre adventure
- God hand
- Rise of the undead?
- cheesy phrase
- selfsteem part 2
- direct hit
- Delusion
- argument
- Anxious
- To the contest
- This is called a filler or something along those lines
Chapter ten
- Unmei is waiting
- God. kill her pretty please
- Basil Berserk mode
- Rational Being
- No one is talking about you ...BAKA
- And they meet again
- The fox the bunny and the cheetah...
- Filler...brothers
- Truce
- Kidnapping is bad kids
- Possesive girls
- The room of your dreams
Chapter eight!
- partnership
- And again shut up!
- Aiko wants Basil
- I hate when people do that
- Basil makes a friend
- Monkey Head duh
- watercolor madness
- Kanzai Ben forever!!
- Teasing Will
- a recess
Chapet eight
- Christmas joke
- en chapter 7
- Ichijo wasnt a pathetic guy
- Resume for your life 2
- A chibi portrait
- America Rulz...not true...xD
- A human...is that art
- The other bet
- Stop doing that Miss
- Prelude to battle
- While there is a battle there, something is happening here too
- The samurai Usagi
- American Pride
- The 100th page
- 1 more page to the 100
- OW that hurt
- This was a contest...remember
- Softly dreams dont get drunk
Chapter seven
- End of chapter xD...and Basil finally is in good terms with kazuki
- Welcome back william
- Heart Breaker
- The final part
- Basil watch him
- Childish attitude
- OUCH selfsteem is down
- Come on praise me!
- Memories have feelings too O.o
- Fourth wall...unmm is just annoying
- Welcome to the twilight zone
Chapter six
- Wait Euphie, you are inventing things right
- the winners....
- shhh and go away
- Shock the devil is there
- Basils returns
- Encounter! Feelings battle
- Aiko and William by painted Yoko
- Tengen Toppa Tokyo O.o filler
- Filler by doriard
- Filler exams mood T:T
- Cultural Gap
- WTF work
- filler T_T
- William Self steem
- Brotherhood O.o
Chapter 5
- "resumen" for your life
- Last chance
- Interruption please
- Dont call me "padre"
- This is WILL and Tokyo
- Fear Father!
- Filler Number 2 by Kitsume0123
- Filler number 1 by t.phoenix
- Stop messing with the past!
- Wow Heavy matters
- Birthday Filler
- Afro Kazuki
- Will and Tokyo By T-Phoenix
- Will can get mad sometimes
Chapter 4
- The truth behind...is always dark...that didnt make any sense
- Kazuki was a pervert O.o
- Danm again a filler of doom Aiko sitting
- Finally the second part
- Basils true self
- Filler clash the enemy is there
- Ichijo strikes back
- Dont cramp my style man!
- Its me Shinpachi...Vol 1
- Filler II
- Mathematics of doom
- A glimp of hope
- Uhh filler XD
- Brrr...Basil Strikes again
- A yanken contest! no way
Chapter 3
- Battle 1...2...3...
- Run William RUN
- selfsteem
- finally is starting
- Recapitulacion...?!
- patetico
- Fear, when you see someone behind you...tremble if it talks to you
- Hydrophobia....rage....unmm that thing
- Its my brother and what!!!
- If you hate your Job...
Chapter 2
- Shonen Jump contest...say what?!
- The day have arrived
- Q&A MATCH!!!!
- A long week that awaits
- I am really sorry...gomen ne...and other words like that
- Its you!!!!
- Important things to do
- Shonen Jump Leader, NO YAKUZA!!!
- Mind your own bussines
- O.k who said everyone love Japan ,eh?
- Traditional Breakfast, I dont think so
Chapter 1
- Did I forgot something O.o
- Navidad special n.n
- unmm money first
- Did you see that coming
- Allow me to present...yout room
- Having fun with terms
- Flash!
- The simple things of life
- Home
- Cruel destiny
- Airports
kitsunesan on Dec. 8, 2006
well its the second page wooohooo…hope you enjoy n.n
harkovast at 6:29AM, Jan. 16, 2009
A friend of mine went to Japan and he said they robots that cleaned the air port. He came to the conclusion japanese people are way ahead of us an we british are just ignorant savages.