JoeyOtaka on March 10, 2007
meh….I'm fixing to leave next sunday.. and no, i'm not takeing a plane, no way in HELL D: *terrified of planes due to some horror stories my dad has told me… since he used to work on making parts for air planes* so, i donno when i'll be able to update ANY of my comics D: anyway, yeah, i will be updateing my other comic soon tonight/earlie mornign aswell so keep a look out ;3 love ya all
Mikato at 8:13PM, Oct. 2, 2008
This is great I love it
shino at 10:25AM, April 7, 2008
deleted-byrequest-03 at 4:28PM, March 24, 2008
Good job; the artwork is very nice.
Sugarless at 1:12PM, Feb. 9, 2008
this looks really good
Kai Chan at 11:35AM, Nov. 12, 2007
Awe. this is an awesome story. (:
Nara_Nara at 1:46PM, May 3, 2007
wowww...this is a cool story!!! I love your art!! >.
ZoeStead at 6:49AM, April 26, 2007
Cool work :D
Evil_Snuffkin at 6:21AM, March 17, 2007
Wow, he's all grown up... and he's hot!
F_Allen at 8:50AM, March 14, 2007
sweet art
Tamao at 1:14PM, March 13, 2007
wow, this looks awesome *__* please please PLEASE update soon again? =D
JoeyOtaka at 2:57PM, March 11, 2007
Ruby: ââ¢Â¥ Zero: lol, makes it look more...well... shaded lol XD ââ¢Â¥ Herio: o_O cubacorba?...O_o.. eh? Mika: heehee thank you XD ââ¢Â¥ you are much loved, you and Zero both XD ^^ thank you Mika, as an yaoi author. >:3 it shall get better... MUWAHHAAH! XD *coughs* D: your comments are much loved ââ¢Â¥
Mika_yi at 8:56AM, March 11, 2007
aws I love the update he's golder that is a good thing. ^O^ I addor the page. and this is him older eh? he's a ctuie. ^O^ very indeed. well yah know. wonderful job. I'll see you whe you get back the worlf is swonderful btw
herio at 1:24AM, March 11, 2007
be were of the cubacorba
herio at 1:23AM, March 11, 2007
Zero7 at 10:53PM, March 10, 2007
I can tell you love smudging too ^^ http://www.drunkduck.com/Zero7/index.php?p=135617