Jenshin's Wolf Cover!
Tantz_Aerine on May 17, 2009
Here is another AMAZING entry! Now that's some great composition, the relationship binding Dave, Zoe and Zou Zou is excellently depicted in the way they are all standing. And the biochemistry background…! WICKED!!!
I am sorry about this week. I will try to have the 100th page ready before Sunday, but I am completely exhausted AND I work 7 days a week with some really tough cases. Anyway, enjoy this great cover!!
One week left for anyone still wanting to toss a cover my way ;)
give Jenshin your thanks!!
Comments submitted in main Wolf site
Lovely work. The molecule designs in the BG look like a wallpaper pattern at first glance, so the blood splashed across it is particularly ominous!
-Posted on May 17, 2009
User: Peipei
oooh gorgeous :3
-Posted on May 16, 2009
User: Tantz Aerine
It will be really hard to choose!!
And JNP: *blush*
-Posted on May 16, 2009
User: Locoma
colors are great too, it looks like… really blue. The style is great, it looks like painted with oils somehow… dang, tough choice, tantz! really good entries, it will be hard to choose!
-Posted on May 15, 2009
User: Jenshin
You're welcome!
-Posted on May 15, 2009
User: dueeast
That's really cool! I like it a lot!
-Posted on May 15, 2009
User: usedbooks
So cool. I love the style. :)
-Posted on May 15, 2009
User: newm
Nice work!! I love the facial expressions, and the tension in the bodies. Love the background too, very clever.
-Posted on May 15, 2009
User: LanceDanger
-Posted on May 15, 2009
User: JustNoPoint
Oh wow!!!
Really excellent work Jenshin!
Man, this is a really close contest so far! Every entry has been so good! Guess we have a good premise to work with ;-)