Page 09
Wandering Muse on April 10, 2008
I finished colouring this one this morning. It took me longer than usual, firsty because it didn't hold my attention very much, and secondly because I have a stupid cough that kept me up all night. Bah!
The colours are a little less grimy in this one. Nothing exceptionally deep about this page, really. I just wanted to try my hand at depicting sadness without resorting to convoluted dialogue.
emdub at 2:02AM, May 22, 2012
Your art is amazing!
oozsinfered at 2:57PM, Feb. 27, 2011
omg D: I hope you update!
taradaga at 3:33AM, May 2, 2009
WHAT. This is AMAZING I hope you update some day...
OpaqueLies at 5:23PM, Oct. 24, 2008
Wow your artwork is so amazing!
Molly Loves the KLF at 6:52AM, July 30, 2008
This work is so cute! I love yoru art, its so stunning. Completely faved!!
Sei at 6:15PM, July 22, 2008
Omg, your artwork is so amazing- this story with its brief dialog can say so more things than most can. It's so realistic in ways, I can sympathize with their pain.
dinomama at 1:53AM, July 15, 2008
I love your art! when will you update again?!
SeriousQuiche at 8:37PM, July 13, 2008
Bunnysama at 7:24AM, July 3, 2008
I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS COMIC! I love how beautiful everything is. The coloring the lineart and everything is just so beautiful and I can't wait to read the rest of the story!
Paramnesia at 12:00AM, May 24, 2008
These have a nice, soft, painted look.
allanah at 9:36PM, May 22, 2008
Wow I just found this comic today and its beautiful. I love the serious tone and the painting style. Please update soon :)
JillyFoo at 10:30PM, May 13, 2008
I'm really liking this comic! Great pacing with the panels. I appreciate panels with no words.
celrena at 11:49AM, April 13, 2008
Your artwork is awesome and the emotion is outstanding. I hope you get featured soon :)
CoyoteLongshot at 7:48PM, April 11, 2008
Wow, this comic is fantastic. Consider me on board! :)
Fly Hue at 2:51PM, April 11, 2008
This is a great balance between realistic art and surrealism. And the way you draw water is astounding.
blntmaker at 11:12AM, April 11, 2008
The element of emotion is fantastic here as the story moves along. Excellent use of color. Rainy weather mirroring the tears of the character. Quite good. I hope you feel better my friend.
theorah at 10:51AM, April 11, 2008
very nice work, your comics are geting better and better :) I love the pacing of this comic, nice and slow and contemplating. The dialog is good as well, as in the fact that there is a lack of it, and where there is speech, it is very subtle and seems like it is mid-conversation. I always think that in alot of comics, dialog is defiantly not nessasary where something can easily be portrayed visually :) The colouring is lush too, I particularly like the BGs ^^ great jooob!
TheMidge28 at 8:57AM, April 11, 2008
the rain on the windows...oh my freakin' gawd! glorious! well done. the juxtaposition of the rain outside and his tears is so beautiful.
crifmer at 7:21AM, April 11, 2008
Wow. I love the rain on the window.
D0m at 5:32AM, April 11, 2008
The painting's still fantastic.
DAJB at 3:55AM, April 11, 2008
You succeeded - very expressive!