That's it for the first 16 pages of XRQ-24, The Pandimensional Man. If you enjoyed it, if you're clamouring for more– WRITE! Either comment here or go find my DD- “Hey, Look What I Did” Forum, or start your own forum… but fer the luvva God– let me know!! And thanks!
Reminds me of Weird Al's video "All About the Pentiums" one line goes "If I ever meet you, I'll CTRL ALT DELETE you!" 196A
Cool comic so far with an interesting premise and good art! Keep em coming!
Guys- Part two is completed, but only in B&W and available in hard copy form at But it will appear here in color-- eventually. Meanwhile, be sure and check out Mercenary Pig and Wayout West, here on DD. And soon to be added, my anthology book, "Adolescent Power Fantasies". Rock on!
SLK8ne at 9:14PM, March 20, 2011
Reminds me of Weird Al's video "All About the Pentiums" one line goes "If I ever meet you, I'll CTRL ALT DELETE you!" 196A Cool comic so far with an interesting premise and good art! Keep em coming!
arvtoon at 5:12PM, June 4, 2010
Guys- Part two is completed, but only in B&W and available in hard copy form at But it will appear here in color-- eventually. Meanwhile, be sure and check out Mercenary Pig and Wayout West, here on DD. And soon to be added, my anthology book, "Adolescent Power Fantasies". Rock on!
God of War at 12:33PM, May 21, 2010
Nice. Cannot wait for second part.