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- A Fitting End
- Stretch Goals
- Love the One You're With
- Spelunking
- The Proof Is in the Punchline
- The Bitter End
- Homecoming
- The Final Countdown
- Legacy
- Disclaimer
- The Pits of Help
- Moving and Shaking
- Full Stop
- Puppet Up
- Power in Its Many Forms
- The Strength of Her Convictions
- The Land of the Rising Dough
- Leg Work
- The Fox and the Pounds
- Sexpectations
- Topsy Turvey
- A Cave Comic Review
- The Crushing Weight of Perception
- Tea Ball
- Ready, Break
- Speculation
- Gratitude
- Motivations
- A Call to Arms
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 7
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 6
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 5
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 4
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 3
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 2
- A Board Meeting in Five Parts - Part 1
- In Triplicate
- Trapped in the Closet
- A Sign
- Just Deserts
- Irrelevant Ghost
- Venting
- This Title Has Nothing to Do With the Comic
- Where Nothing Interesting Happens
- Sayonara mi Amor
- What's the Deal With Orphans?
- A Reflection of Times Gone By
- Dupreecity
- Of Friendship and Teamwork
- Silver Spoon Man
- Story Time
- No Really, Meet the Duprees
- Meet the Duprees
- Fistus Interruptus
- Time Is on My Side
- High Brow, Low Cheek
- Lost in Translation
- Clone Comic
- He Haws
- Whole Cuppa Problems
- The League of Extraordinarily Wealthy Gentlemen
- Dude Talk
- When Familiarity Evolves
- Different Strokes
- I Got the Blues
- A Dream Deferred
- Engaging Conversation
- Listing to the Left
- Art Imitating Life
- Exploration in Theory
- Roe Roe Roe Your Boat
- In Which an Awesome Hi Five Is Administered
- Just Like You Would Find in a Textbook
- In Which the Future of Humanity Is Discussed
- End of Exposition
- Relationships: Established
- Introductions
- Great Power
- The Way of the Open Palm
- Togetherness
- Reemergence
- Descent
- Most People Pay for This Kind of Accident
- Nocturnal Adoption
- Johnny Appleseed of the Apocalypse
- The Color Wheel in the Sky Keeps Turning
- Living in the Moment
- Elsewhere
- This Looks Like a Mystery, Gang!
- In Which Figurative Language is Considered
- With Apologies to Wil Wheaton
- Masticulation Without Deglutition
- Steve
- Into the Cave, or In Which We Think of Words Which Sound Like Flash
- Packing List
- Montage
- Solemn Reflection
- The Legend of Grumblepuss 2
- The Legend of Grumblepuss
- A Massturbatory Exercise
- Pope and Change
- Rolls Rosaries
- Batter Up
- Like Rats With Wings
- Pause for Politics
- I'll Take Subterranean Plots for 400 Please, Alex
- Good Comic
- Ups and Downs of the End of the World
- Mutton to See Here
- In Which Buttery Is a Noun
- Deep in the Dryer
- This Comic Is a Joke
- Polo-rizing Attire
- That Awkward Next Morning
- Several Drinks Later
- Fiddler in the Bunker
- Booze Bath
- A Post Apocalyptic Cheering Up
- The Artist's Struggle
- Whole Box of Jokes
- Holding Out
- Holy Snakes
- Laundry
- The New Order
- Of Magic
- Puppets and Dragons
- Bored Games
- Monopoly
- Of Jets
- A World Without Internet
- Shogun
- Beans in the Bunker
Stretch Goals
on Oct. 2, 2014
Oh my.
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