face_deleted on Aug. 10, 2010
and there you have it… babysitter's first kill of the series. another big scene coming up next, but i've got all the pages inked and all that's left is to grayscale ‘em. about 7 pages worth, but the wait probably won’t be as long as it was for these pages. thank you for your patience!
Plague Doctor at 4:59PM, Aug. 15, 2010
Wow,you are fast
Genejoke at 11:56PM, Aug. 11, 2010
I must admit it got off to a mediocre start but by the time I got here I found myself enjoying the comic.
cbacolo at 5:16PM, Aug. 11, 2010
Looks great!
face_deleted at 8:22AM, Aug. 11, 2010
thanks! it is a night time scene. the dialogue about broad daylight was kind of a slip up. he was referring to them walking around earlier that day when he was at the park, but I should've made that clearer. i'll update it when I get the chance. thanks for reading!
Chernobog at 11:11PM, Aug. 10, 2010
Looks good in gray scale, although the scene left me to think it was night. Still a lot of questions to be answered here...