yo, doggie, page 15
flex lamont on July 18, 2006
main site | yo, doggie world!
“yo, doggie” was drawn in true doodle spirit with felt tip pen (no pencils) on subways, on breaks at my old job, at an outdoor jazz festival, before bed, etc. etc. It was then colored on photoshop, and lettered in illustrator. Length: 15 pages of cuteness (and a little weirdness…)
Jakob at 1:34PM, July 27, 2006
Really, the best comic I've EVER read on DD, and I've been here quite a while. I recommend you to publish it, more people should read it.
flex lamont at 5:41AM, July 24, 2006
thanx 4 all the great comments!! glad U enjoyed it!
thatreevesgirl at 7:57AM, July 22, 2006
Oh my gosh....that was the best short comic I have read in a LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time. It was wonderful, I absolutely loved it.