Well, since I didn't quite do this when I first arrived on the scene, I'll do it now.
The username's Jiakko. That's probably what everyone will call me by.
My pen name (the name I use for my comics and such) is George Fluffington. In fact, if you were to look for me on Facebook, it would say George Fluffington.
My real name is Dorian Stanton, but typically go by Jake Stanton for the sole reason that Jacob is my middle name and more people remember Jake than Dorian.
I'm a bit weird,
A bit socially awkward.
A bit clever.
A bit of a social person.
A bit smart.
A bit dumb.
A bit philosophical.
A bit perverted.
A bit sexy.
A bit violent.
A bit of a pacifist.
A bit friendly.
A bit of a jerk.
A bit hungry.
A bit full.
A bit sleepy.
A bit of unable to get to sleep.
A bit athletic.
A bit unfit.
A bit lazy.
A bit busy.
A bit big.
A bit small.
A bit abit.
And so forth.
Eventually, you may be able to figure out my personality pretty easily, so you can make judgments for yourself.

Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
at 6:31PM, March 10, 2011
Hello Jiakko George Fluffington Dorian Jake/Jacob Stanton, and welcome to DD! That was a great introduction, but for some reason I'd like to just call you bit-sy.
Anyway, good to meet you - and have fun!
Anyway, good to meet you - and have fun!
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
at 9:48AM, March 12, 2011
Heya, Jiakko, you sound very… condtradictory? Is that a word?
Well, no matter, have fun - i mean continue to have fun - on DrunkDuck, like I do!
Well, no matter, have fun - i mean continue to have fun - on DrunkDuck, like I do!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:24PM
at 2:09PM, March 12, 2011
Being perverted and sexy at the same time is an interesting combination!
Anyway, welcome to DD!
Anyway, welcome to DD!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:25AM
at 10:31PM, March 14, 2011
Thanks you guys! Don't know why I didn't see the replies sooner (Because I was lazy).
I can honestly say that I am neither of those things and both.
I can honest be neither of those things and both because I can move mountains.
Of French fries.
Into my mouth.
And I consider French fries sexual imagery because it comes in a box.
Wait, that came out wrong.
I can honestly say that I am neither of those things and both.
I can honest be neither of those things and both because I can move mountains.
Of French fries.
Into my mouth.
And I consider French fries sexual imagery because it comes in a box.
Wait, that came out wrong.
I became a bar fight recently.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
at 3:48AM, March 15, 2011
Havent i seen you do an introduction before?
anyway, Welcome to DD! Im still a bit sleepy.
anyway, Welcome to DD! Im still a bit sleepy.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:45AM
at 4:37PM, March 15, 2011
I dun't think I've ever done an introduction before besides the one on my main profile page.
I became a bar fight recently.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
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