I have had this idea in my mind for some time now, and I have decided to give it a go.
So, starting off, I see it be a 4 panel comic. Its genre will be fiction, comic with cards. There is the main character, Sam, who finds that strange equipment (which I have drawn to make your artist's life easier, and give a better reference :) ) in his attic. In that equipment you put cards, and activate them. Here is its image: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l272/water_park1993/9914e5f9.jpg The rest will be shown to you, when you decide to work for me :)
I have the several first comics already written down, and I am aiming to always be several comics in front of my artist. I think that's better.
I am really flexible on updates. I don't mean random updates, but we can chat and decide how often to update; after all it's OUR comic, not solely mine. On that note, I can discuss the plot up to now, and we can change/edit things.
If you are interested, please post here or PM me. Also, I can provide a lot of detail if you need so. Just tell me beforehand, so I can give you scripts up to your standards.

Networking & Community Projects*
Looking for artist (got a worked out idea)
at 8:01AM, March 15, 2009
Chasing the dream…
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:42AM
at 10:40AM, March 15, 2009
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:29PM
at 11:42AM, March 15, 2009
Kind of, but there aren't any duels between players like Yu gi oh. But I haven't watched all the seasons, so I am not sure if there are more elements, close to Yu gi oh, but yes, a fantasy card comic.
Chasing the dream…
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:42AM
at 3:33PM, March 15, 2009
So it isn't a fighting kinda comic. Well, I think I'm interested! But to avoid people copying your idea, we should talk in a PQ. I'll send you one now.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:29PM
at 6:33AM, March 16, 2009
Okay, sorry for obscure last PQ, I will clear things up when you answer xD
I hadn't read this one before I sent it
I hadn't read this one before I sent it
Chasing the dream…
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:42AM
at 11:07AM, March 17, 2009
Flapjack won't be the artist for this one.
It's open again
If you want the first scripts, just PQ me
It's open again
If you want the first scripts, just PQ me
Chasing the dream…
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
Hip hop winner, comic writer, cartoon producer, violin player
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:42AM
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