rokulilyCan you link me the info about his wife cause that is news to me O.O
i have nothing much against obama- we the people of america voted him in and all so we should just deal. However i do not like his sorta racist taxpayer dollar spending wife or the fact that he won a nobel peace award. For what? oh, for ‘hope’. do you know how easy that thing is to crush? It is like popping bubbles- you just think and the soapy surface of hope pops. GIVE IT BACK OBAMA AND FIX THIS NATION BEFORE YOU TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. 'Cause you know he wants to.
As for the peace prize he was NOMINATED when he had done nothing in HOPE that he WOULD and he DID. He banned extreme interrogation techniques for terrorists((torture)), he also got egypt involved in something or other my pols teacher was going on about it to stop all the red necks from going on the whole class period attacking Obama…man I hate living in a Red County((Radom for example is crazy)) T.T Some people also are going with the “Bush slap” theory. I don't mind that theory actually :D.