MAFIA... and other forum games

Name the Favorite
mechanical_lullaby at 4:59AM, Dec. 5, 2006
posts: 1,903
joined: 1-7-2006
Name the Favorite. The rules are simple. List three things, two which you may or may not absolutely hate or feel indifferent toward. One which you absolutely love. The next person to go guesses which of the three is your favorite, posts that in his/her own post and lists his/her three things. It he/she is right or wrong edit your post to say so. That's it!

I'll go first.

-world domination
-rock n' roll

which one is the fav?

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:56PM
Lords_of_Darkness at 11:41AM, Dec. 17, 2006
posts: 134
joined: 4-5-2006
id have to go with kittens… no im lying World Dom, who doesnt want that

fruit punch

bet you dont know which it is… dun dun dun
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
deleted-byrequest-03 at 12:47PM, Dec. 17, 2006
posts: 812
joined: 8-13-2006
PIZZA!!! :D I lurve pizza! Especially the cheesy kind :D

Watching youtube

Wellllll?! GUESS :D

This year, school's full of BS!!!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:05PM
Lords_of_Darkness at 2:48PM, Dec. 17, 2006
posts: 134
joined: 4-5-2006
sleep, man i need some o' that lol

Sams choice cola

hahahahahaha which is it
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
jgib99 at 8:37PM, Dec. 17, 2006
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
I'd have to go with Coke. I drink way too much of it.

Burger King
Olive Garden
Outback Steakhouse

Now. You must choose. But choose wisely.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM
Brinx at 2:14PM, Dec. 18, 2006
posts: 1,354
joined: 9-22-2006
I'd have to say Olive Garden. Cause it's a nice place.

Video games
computer time

:gem: <Green eyes says choose now!

Best do what he says.

Edit:Hey not bad. Course the other two would also have been acceptable. But I like Video games more none the less.
Forum games citizens.
Read these two comic. You might just like them. Please.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:34AM
sanguemdeus at 11:15AM, Dec. 19, 2006
posts: 32
joined: 12-18-2006
Video games? I like video games, so why not.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:22PM
Brinx at 1:58PM, Dec. 19, 2006
posts: 1,354
joined: 9-22-2006
Hmmm… I'd have to say anime.

listening music

Edit: Damn it I spelled drawing wrong again. Any who, You got it right. Listening to music is the second and third is forums.
Forum games citizens.
Read these two comic. You might just like them. Please.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:34AM
Lords_of_Darkness at 5:24PM, Dec. 20, 2006
posts: 134
joined: 4-5-2006
id say drawling because its either A. a mispelled form of “drawing”, B. something i dont know what it is, or C. just something to type :p

Sweet heat BBQ chips
Normal BBQ chips
Cheez Ums Pringles
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
jgib99 at 9:20PM, Dec. 20, 2006
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
Sweet Heat BBQ chips. Because Normal BBQ is great, but Sweet Heat is fantabulous.


last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM
Lords_of_Darkness at 10:16AM, Dec. 21, 2006
posts: 134
joined: 4-5-2006
lunch, because mostly breafast is limited to filling foods and so it dinner, but for lunch you can have ANYTHING!!!!!

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
Ozoneocean at 8:35AM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 29,043
joined: 1-2-2004
I think people have f**ked up this game by not bothering to guess the real fave but pick their OWN fave out of the 3. Plus, no one has bothered to go back and tell us if anyone actually “guessed” right.

Ok, MY guess is that Lords_of_Darkness likes Blue best.

MY choices are:

-edit-WRONG! :P It was frogs. They're cute. The other two piss me off.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
Terminal at 8:47AM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 5,502
joined: 1-6-2006
I'm guessing monkeys. Because you probably think they're the most interesting out of three for their ability to viciously beat off, and throw their crap.


answer: yup.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:10PM
Ozoneocean at 9:13AM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 29,043
joined: 1-2-2004
I would say music. You like HTML quite a lot and you like sex in some kind of abstracted, indirect peripheral way, but music is central to your existence.


-edit- Heh, you're intuition is untrustworthy. Answer was number 2.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
AQua_ng at 9:18AM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Volvos. Because I trust my intuition.

- Pokemon
- Pepsi
- Pinatas

-EDIT- Boo boo boo! Incorrect! It was actually Pokemon!

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:55AM
Radec at 11:11AM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 1,414
joined: 6-18-2006
I'm guessing Pinatas.
I get the feeling you just like to whack things with sticks, then get candy for it.


World of Warcraft

(edit) Alas, he is correct. that one was too easy.
<= dead and buried.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:58PM
jgib99 at 7:42PM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
With my amazing powers of super-telepathy, I will say that your favorite is…Kitties!!!

Chocolate Pudding
Zombie movies

Go ahead. Try and guess.

Edit- It's almost like you read my mind!! I could live without chocolate pudding. MySpace can really suck monkey balls sometimes. But zombie movies kick ass!!!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM
Ozoneocean at 10:26PM, Dec. 24, 2006
posts: 29,043
joined: 1-2-2004
You like Zombie Movies. You LOVE them. They are like porn to you. Your mouth goes dry and your hands get sweaty.
You also like pudding, but those zombie moves really get you going.
You don't like Myspace… :(

Stomache aches

WHich one? Hmmm…
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:25PM
Radec at 9:32PM, Dec. 25, 2006
posts: 1,414
joined: 6-18-2006
is it… and i'm just taking a wild stab here…
Headach-… NO, WAIT!… uh…. um….

name the favorite:

<= dead and buried.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:58PM
jgib99 at 11:09AM, Dec. 27, 2006
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
Ha!! Cheese wins all the time.

Which Philly delicacy is my fave?

Soft Pretzel
Cheese Steak

Yo! Hurry up and guess already!!

Edit: Sorry, its the ol' heart attack on a roll.

And to answer beljanbobo's question: Any foods that Philadelphians created, (or claim to have created).

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
beljanbobo at 5:58AM, Dec. 31, 2006
posts: 416
joined: 12-24-2006
errrr… uuhhh…. tastykake? (ps. what's philly delicacy?)


Edit: you were right ^^
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:20AM
BigFishComic at 7:44PM, Jan. 2, 2007
posts: 970
joined: 7-27-2006
sleeping. nothing beats sleep.

or um…videogames.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:22AM
jgib99 at 9:18PM, Jan. 2, 2007
posts: 558
joined: 2-8-2006
Although I'm tempted to pick porn. I have to go with videogames.

Which metal band do I love to headbang to:

Iron Maiden
Bon Jovi
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:08PM
Nintendude at 9:42PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 112
joined: 4-22-2006
How ironic I don't listen to music…Metallica
I guess…
AWESOME MAN! Here to make the day more AWESOME…..MAN!
Dun dun dun awesomeman AWESOME MANNN!
*repeats until your head explodes*
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:17PM
Nintendude at 9:44PM, March 21, 2007
posts: 112
joined: 4-22-2006
How ironic I don't listen to music…Metallica
I guess…

funny web movies
or the banana phone song.
AWESOME MAN! Here to make the day more AWESOME…..MAN!
Dun dun dun awesomeman AWESOME MANNN!
*repeats until your head explodes*
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:17PM
7384395948urhfdjfrueruieieueue at 8:55PM, March 24, 2007
posts: 6,921
joined: 8-5-2006
I'm guessing webcomics because you have like seven of them…

Dead Rising
i will also like to know you the more
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:03AM
RoronoaZoro at 7:13AM, March 26, 2007
posts: 1,084
joined: 3-24-2006
I say Both! They go together.

I'm Zoro! Upper left is Hunter, Upper Right is Zeke, Lower left is Shadow, and Lower right is Rage.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:11PM
The mediocre one at 4:07PM, March 27, 2007
posts: 846
joined: 1-15-2006
Megaman, as you have two whole sprite comics devoted to him.

Black Hair
Blood-red Hair
Rainy days

Good luck.

Edit: Wrong, you were right about the red hair thing, but not emo-red hair.
Correct answer ist Ye olde Rainy days.
Paper Mache Cataclysm
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:15PM
LIZARD_B1TE at 5:38PM, March 27, 2007
posts: 3,307
joined: 6-22-2006
Blood-red hair, because I remember you saying that you liked red hair in some thread… at least I think that was you…

OK, guess my favorite…


EDIT: You are incorrect. The answer is Cats.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:36PM
RoronoaZoro at 5:29AM, March 28, 2007
posts: 1,084
joined: 3-24-2006
All! anamiles are cool!

Gunnerkrigg Court
Elijah and Azuu
Life and Death
I'm Zoro! Upper left is Hunter, Upper Right is Zeke, Lower left is Shadow, and Lower right is Rage.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:11PM

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