Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

Sorta New, HELLO!
carly_mizzou at 11:22AM, Aug. 28, 2006
posts: 384
joined: 8-25-2006
I've been a lurker, now I've turned poster and creator, but just wanted to say hey y'all! I'm excited to be a member of this, the niftiest web comic site ever! Yay! but is it really nessicery that i be drunk for EVERY post? I mean I know I agreed to that in the terms and conditions but geez, I'm going through a 12 pack a day! Okay bad jokie, sorry….
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:36AM
GhostBoy66 at 12:03PM, Aug. 28, 2006
posts: 81
joined: 6-18-2006
Y HALO THAR. Welcome to DD. We love beer. :D
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:35PM
Scorchgofer at 4:35PM, Aug. 28, 2006
posts: 30
joined: 6-30-2006
Indeed we do.

Why did I say “Indeed”?!?!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:24PM

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